How to shut off the Background FPS limiter

Well I decided to get a second monitor and run 2 at once, for fun. The problem is, that there is a back ground FPS limiter. So what i mean is when one of the windows gets switched to background, such as i switch between the 2 game windows, the one in the background limits it fps, to like 10. My hard ware is quite capable of running 2 at a time, I could run more like 4 or 5 at a time. I tried the ingame configure settings, and the one if the ryzom folder, but there is no setting for a Back ground FPS limiter. Nvm It isnt a FPS limiter, its because Ryzom only starts up using one processor, so i changed it to use all 4, and split it between the 4 and it works now.
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Last visit Monday, 3 June 14:10:02 UTC

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