
New rules for guilds?

I find it a bit strange that on one hand there are "some stupid rp reason" but on the other hand there seem to be enough RP reason to become marauder. I mean, if you don't care about RP then why not stay completely neutral?
Maybe I don't understand the motives of the one joining the marauders, are there other reasons for it than some kind of RP? Obivously Suboxide joined the marauders because "an event person (akilla) told me and some others to infiltrate the other guilds and factions." Which is a fine RP reason.
So I don't understand why on one hand you say that we don't want to hear something of "rp reasons" and on the other hand you seem to have enough RP reasons to become marauders.
The marauders are the most extreme faction of all, they are against all nations and factions. This is so strong that it cannot just be an organisation, they have raided the homins again and again, burned their cities and killed their guards. It's not just an organisation all nations can just ignore. And this is not just a tiny little stupid RP reason, it's the very identity of that stuff and the reason you join them.To be a cool badass or something. And I find it a bit strange that it seems unfair to people afterwards that marauders aren't welcome to national or factional guilds.
My solution would be that marauders are welcome in marauder and completely neutral guilds.
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