[interface] Ability and debuffs status via alt+click

Bittty -

Let's say you're at an OP, and your team is fairly dispersed. You see several people under different spells - madness, fear, etc. Can you quickly tell if your healers are able to perform, or they're affected? Probably not, especially if you're a frontline tank and the pod is behind you. The compass is practically useless with 50 dots moving in and out of position.

Just one practical example :)

Virg -

We can have a complex and difficult game without making the learning curve steeper than necessary. I don't see how giving tools to the players somehow substracts from their experience. If we were going by this logic, the System Info shouldn't even tell you you're under a spell, you can just figure it out yourself from the visual effects.

I'm not persuaded by the appeal to roleplay. In roleplay you may help plants to take root by casting something on them -- but in the actual game, you are simply casting Root on an inert object ((actual example from an event)). There's a good reason why only Around is treated as IC, while the other chat channels are not.

Thank you for your thoughts though.


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Last visit jeudi 6 Juin 11:00:43 UTC

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