[interface] Ability and debuffs status via alt+click

Several reasons why these two things don't overlap:

- in a hot action scene, you would have to hover over an action, wait for the tooltip, then read it out aloud ; alt+clicking is way faster and frees you to click something else sooner ; not to mention the flickering when several targets are around you, for instance in an OP battle

- these messages can be translated in a multi-language team ; so if my teammate has the client set to Russian, she will see the message in Russian, just like emotes are translated automatically to the target language ;

- there are multiple reasons why someone would rather not use voice at a time - I don't want to speak today, my microphone is broken, I dislike another player's voice, I dislike using TeamSpeak etc

- a team is fluid ; the mechanics of asking someone to leave your channel on TeamSpeak and asking someone else to join takes far more longer than it takes to adjust the team in game

Trust me. I've played Dota for a few months. You can't replace this thing with anything else.

Thanks for the support though :)


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Last visit mercredi 5 Juin 23:45:16 UTC

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