[Zoraïs] Immortal memories

Bankun, I found something that will interest you in an old coffer, You can keep it if you can find it. I will help just a little.

Toothless, I bite. The Powers cannot touch me. All lands know me, save only the Desert. I give great power and I give death. Many homins fear me. Some homins love me. Who am I?

Of Old I fought the kitin, now I fight a deadlier foe. Only the Varinx is my friend. The Varinx and the night.

I rule without land. I wear a coat of shimmering blue and red and gold. My life delights the eye and makes homins smile, my death does so even more. To find me is hard, yet you can see me in many a blade, a shield and the sparkling of a jewel.
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