
Query About Getting Some Dappers

OK, I am a relative newbie, as I have only been on Ryzom for about 15 months. My main caracter is a Heavy Armsman (fight=119; magic=73;crafting=63; and harvesting=53). Now this question may be inappropriate, but how do I get some more dappers, other than 1000-3000 per mini-quest?

The first thing I want is an apartment, but the price is a little too high.
And I also want a mount.

Now, I have been spending my dappers towards better armor and weapons, and that's about it. Now, maybe I part with my existing dappers too readily, but other than using rags for armor, and casting spells without "oven mits", how does everyone else afford these things?

Just asking.


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Last visit Thursday, 23 May 19:40:15 UTC

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