March 2015 patch

A server patch is planned for March 3rd, 2015. The server will be down for approximatively one hour in order to implement the following additions and fixes:

Targeting mode of the mobs

The behaviour of mobs in combat with players has been modified. From now on they will retaliate to all the attacks from players. The healers will also be attacked. However, characters that don't belong to the team of the targetted characted by the mob and that don't take part in the fight won''t be attacked. So it won't be possible anymore to drag, either deliberately or not, mobs on characters out of your team.
If however the character attacked by a mob dies, it can then attack a nearby character that wasn't taking part in the fight. Dying close to another character to drag mobs on them won't be punished unless it's possible to prove that the action was deliberate.

PVP Skirts and Shields

It will be possible to sell back a PvP object for the same number of PvP points if its durability points are at their maximum.

We have added a faction restriction on PvP skirts and shields (the picks currently owned by the characters don't have any restriction). So, it won't be possible anymore for a Karavan follower to wear a kamist, marauder or generic PvP skirt, and vice versa.
If you currently own one of these PvP items, the faction restriction will be applied and the health points of the item put back to their maximum. So you'll be able to sell them back to the NPC and purchase an item of your current faction.
Caution, the restoration of durability back to 100% will be done only for PvP skirts and shields currently in your inventory. It won't be applied for any later faction changes.

Ryzom Core numerous fixes

We are grateful to Ryzom Core for the numerous fixes done, which we are pleased to add in this patch.

Improving the technical possibilities for the events

Positioning of objects, NPC and mobs for events has been improved thanks, especially, to the taking into account of the Z axis. It will allow them to be placed on a hill, a root, or on the floors of a building.

The Ryzom Team remains at your disposal for any additional information and wish you farewell!

Ryzom Team


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
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Last visit Friday, 7 March 02:44:20 UTC

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