
open discussion about the path of ryzoms future

I was Kami for years, right up until the server merge in fact. Then I chose a different path, mainly because the statement that "this garbage never happened on the old server" isn't accurate.

It's because the Kami Alliance has been extreme for years that I decided to remain faction neutral this time. This type of behaviour isn't new, harassing fellow Kamis because they don't act the way you want isn't new*. Claiming that the server merge is to blame for this is misleading for the newer generation of your faction; if you've been a Kami for years and not been on the receiving end then you've been lucky so far.

I'm sorry to hear that this type of experience has tainted any of the involved players feelings for the game and hope you can overcome that bad feeling and remember the good things.

* I can give an example but would rather not open a wound long since healed.


Elder Of Atys

Chasing the DING!
You can't "complete" the mainland. If one thinks one has seen or done everything there, one is kidding oneself. But be prepared to "get out what you put in," because the mainland does not coddle or hold hands.
Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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Last visit viernes 10 mayo 13:24:00 UTC

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