Fluffy Bunnies

By request for our Ten Year Anniversary

1st get the music going.....

Now sing with the lyrics below:


Azad was a Melee boy
he axed em up till the bitter end
Misatey was a different type
she's is one who puts spears in
Oneeyes was an Fyros lad
Mobs afraid of boys like that
Goofy was AFK a lot
sitting down like a Buddha sat

Bosse was a wondering soul
with geographic memory
Freddy chose the HA craft
he liked that kind of misery
Giny had a special way
of turning hunts into a song
Ghostano didn't like to cast
used a mace, beat them strong

Daphne was an archetype
the afflict queen, the queen of wrath
Sofiaa thought trekking was second best
to hanging out in Fyros Baths
Xycox was a preaching kamist
he really had that gift of gab
Dercin's point of view was this
take what boss mats you can grab

Ellsworth was another guy
who left his mark with a fyros boot
Rovi liked to tie mobs up
the spell he often cast was root
Cherry had a cat addiction
to dig without cats was not her way
Haplo, who had to "early rise,
says "I must go", but always stays

Grogged ignored the last taboo
solo treked thru UnderSpring
Gotharic brought the taboo back
he got thru and even dinged
Elnasa rose to Fyros fame,
trekked 4 lands unafarid to die
Fudge came and went so fast
he didn't even say goodbye

Ceras had a room in Matis
lived on drugs and kipee meat
Eceem had a house in Zora
took his drugs between the sheets
Puffe thought his life was empty
filled it up with silverweed
CarlaofWind was much too pretty
she wouldn't do ththose dirty deeds

not Carla .... uh uh

Fatboy thought that PvP was simple
turn tag on and turn it off
Hrikri felt dig was complicated
like some rumored KA plot
Hotchick was the perfect lady
Kept her zorai stockings straight
Talven was a rich Matisian
silver spoon and a paper plate

McMidget was a pyromancer
kitin things he liked to fry
Kriathi liked to wound the things
dance around and watch them die
Trikerfreddy loved the cute gibbais
kept himself a couple of pups
Sashtan's strange obsession
was for OP Mats and sups

Sahrei was an mage's daughter
using shockwave shook her up
Brock's mother left his father
took his dapper and his sups
Charmm had no such problems
perfect "Norman Tryton" home
MrsNo, 16, had a Zorai baby
left her parents, lived alone

Lee joined a warrior cult
changed his name to General-Lee
Puffe liked to played guitar,
sang silly songs that made me pee
Sengyr was a pacifist
about factions he didn't give a sh*t
Lortess had much more my style
cause he wrote songs just like this

Tashakir went forty days
drinking nothing but Fyros ale
Once Therrah tried to drink with himt
next morning she was awful pale
Shenobe came from Tryker lands
conveted from kara to kamist
Elvish, I offer you a kiss
I chose you to end this list

88 lines about 44 bunnies


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