
Can't post in general (Saphron's post)

Dear all my fellow allies and foes whom i've gotten to know over the (months)
This is Saphron (*gasp* he's not dead?....I'm still very much alive....sorta--)

I want to return to the gameing of ryzom but i'm afraid of doing so, I want to use my known name Saphron.
I know that ALOT! of people i've hurt/upset/ just been a plane asshole to, but also to those i care about and at least tried to get along with.

I'm considering of returning to the game enjoying the world of atys again, Embraceing the duty to Harvest and craft/ Fight and get killed by Kitins and yubo's.

If i return how many of you will be willing to let me start fresh? pretend you do not know me, forget about my past allow me to roam atys not ahveing to worry about homins seeing me. I've forgiven my own actions accepted and learned (yes i can learn :) -)

I can ramble on and on, but my point is---Yes i've screwed up in the past, gotten many chances and still threw them over the wall.
I ask this as a Man now, Can i return to this wonderful community as a nobody work my wap up and allow EVERYONE who plays to know the (real) Me.

Please think about this alot before reading and posting.

Sincerely Saphron the chaotic prince.
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Last visit Wednesday, 5 June 04:29:57 UTC

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