Atysmas is coming!

Atysmas is coming with big steps! Almati Wood is already glistening from sparkling lights and filled with the buzz of busy Lutrykins. And, amidst the Atysmas trees, the mektoubs, snowmen and yubos, a new bulletin shows what is planned over these days of joy!

[OOC]Many of those events will start at the Atysmas village in the Almati Wood. Almati Wood is accessible by teleportation from all the temples located near each capital and by the New Horizon service.[/ooc]

December 19th and December 20th starting at 19 CET in Almati-Wood: Visit of the Atysmas fairies (player event) who have a lot of gifts to give to younger homins!
December 20th to December 31st: watch out for small huntable snowmen all over Atys. What is behind this strange phenomenon? Find out during whole Atysmas!
December 23th at 20h CET: Gather around a warming fire and listen to the Atysmas stories! Contribute to this evening and be surprised by a little gift as a thanks!
December 24th to January 4th: You don't like Atysmas? You would like the Atysmas trees to go away? Well then you have the chance when the Atysmas tree hunting season is finally opened!
... Don't forget the handing out of gifts and other surprises throughout all of Atysmas!
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Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 16:09:32 UTC

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