
Question aux travailleurs de l'ombre : quid des maraudeurs dans des guildes ...

How many people are we actually talking about here? How many mara toons are in kami or kara aligned guilds? I can think of 3 besides myself, only one of them (Marceline) is actively playing. Who are we hurting by taking advantage of the sandbox nature of this game that attracts people to play it?

Does this game have a big enough player base to chase away people who don't adhere to your strict Role play models? I f a guild is indeed neutral, which essentially means they don't role play, why couldn't they invite anyone they wanted? Game mechanics, the way they are now, don't allow me to make my guild completely neutral. If i could I would allow Kamis, karas, maras, rangers, Trytonists, and any other group that may come up in the future.

Wen I decided to become a marauder, I knew it was a difficult path to follow. I knew making money was going to be much harder, I knew I would no longer have the comfort of big cities with trainers and merchants, I knew I would be labeled as an enemy. What I really learned after aligning was who my friends are, my real friends. Being Mara in a non mara guild means that rp karas and kamis don't like you (even if they did before) because you're a marauder, and marauders don't like you because you're not marauder enough, neither of whom consider the fact that maybe we're just playing to have fun and don't care about the lore, which is actually quite boring for me, Tolkien, it is NOT.

Role Play if you think it's fun, but don't hate those who don't just because it doesn't fit your gameplay. Isn't it ironic that Role play is killing this little role play game for the people who are here because of it's "Sandbox" nature that attracted us to it in the first place?


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