

  • Player Bias: The players have an extremely strong anti-marauder hate pre-designed within them. Not surprising for an organization that has -50 fame in all factions and religions.
  • Complete lack of.. well anything: The marauder camp is in fact a hollow shell. Whilst it may have the essentials there are no missions, no rites (except the joining rite), no occupations, no.. well no sustenance.
  • Events: For whatever reason, marauders have no actual events. Many have been put forward, many have been planned, none have come. Furthermore marauders are increasingly banned from other events (take the FHF which was always open to everyone on Ari).

Bullet point 1: Agreed, some have not read any of the lore about marauders and only view them as criminals. But, they are not, and such homins who think they are criminals need to read up on who they are and why

Point 2: A little birdie told me they are getting a Dev team member to be involved with marauder events as soon as January. Since they do not have any government meetings and so on, it is hard for marauders to influence the life of Atys at the moment, so plz be patient and we will see if it pans out. the birdie could be lying... :/ ~I will shoot it personally if it is :D

Point 3: I ask: If you had a full marauder agenda supported by the event team, would you care if you were excluded from certain events? I think it would add to the flavor of the roleplay on Atys if we ALL were supported in our roleplay and could act out our positions on certain things, even if it excluded certain homins. Reason below...

(On another subject, but still related: I understand the 'master of arms' event sponsored by certain Matis involving Pvp, was spoken about 9 months ago. If people want to be more involved in these events they need to go to the government meetings no matter how boring they may be. Link to follow after I check where it was, will edit: ok, here it is:
Forums/General/English/#121~Public appeal for Weapons master and Master of Arms.]

ps. It was to find a member willing to lead the Matis Army, display his characterisics and ability.
It seems to me this should only be a Matis event, or for those loyal to the Matis kingdom, not those apposed to it, like marauders, fyros, or anybody for that matter.

pss. Later is was pointed out to me it was not to determine who that person would be, but only it would be that persons ability to sponsor an event and put it on, which in turn means, anybody could come and enjoy it and be involved. That is ok with me.

non-the-less, my opinion is, there should be latitude for exclusive events to be planned and people not to complain about not being invited. If they are upset, they can roleplay their own event in opposition to it. That would be wonderful and spicy! As it is, there is not much of this anyways, so its not a big deal. If it became such a big deal, then maybe I would change my position. But bring it on I say, lets see what happens!
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