fragment's of the lost scrolls, pt1 of THE UPPER BRANCHES

Virg (atys)
Deleted due to offensive content

Well this is completely ridiculous. One of the reasons for removing my post was I was told it wasn't RP. So I expect Icus' post to be removed as well as it doesn't contain RP? No of course not. GMs start growing up, stop acting childish and get rid of your complete bias towards favoring some players.

Also Icus your post is completely riddled with grammar mistakes so stop being so completely hypocritical and if you are going to point out people's grammar mistakes in the future- at least have the sense to make sure your post doesn't have any. Idiot.

EDIT 1: Just to say the phrase "grammer nazi" is a commonly used phrase even used in the telegraph- a newspaper reaching millions. Why my post was removed I have no idea.

EDIT 2: My comment about GMs growing up and stop having bias towards some players is not attributed to this post- but instead to the treatment my friends and I have received over the last 4 years.



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