
About teaming with other factions

Roleplay is often used as an excuse for have all, is not a case that mostly roleplayers are kamist (apart rangers and neutrals but that is different) stronger faction and lot of them untag when they kill a boss or never refuse an invite if can get something. Anyway them really dont know what is 'roleplay' coz is a concept very great and can have infinite variations that they cant judge. You can play as allied of 2 factions or a lonely people that want be alone or u can have friends in other factions or u can be a marauder anarchist coz u dont like civilization but this dont mean u like kill homins or act as an idiot. Nah, theyr roleplay is kami-kara-mara, maybe coz they have nothing to do and want all. Little people have little imagination. Will finish for play alone, when all quit so can measuring p....s with cratchas. But more important thing is that roleplay is only a part of this game, and not a law. So as u respect them for do roleplay they should respect u for dont. But this seems has no value here.
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Last visit Monday, 24 June 13:33:46 UTC

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