
About teaming with other factions

I originally wanted to post this on the Kami forums but then I thought it might be nice to see what other people from other factions have to say about this.

Teaming with other factions for hunting/training has been a hot topic in Kami chat for as long as I can remember but whenever I raise my voice there, I get so much hate that I can barely finish what I was trying to say.

First of all, I am not saying this for my guild, only for myself. It is my personal opinion and I don't want my guild to be affected by it in any way.

I was down in SCi for Tyrakoo with Lost Girls today, there were also teams of Syndicate and DDD there and it was a huge mess of KP and heavy aggro so congratulations to whoever managed to get the boss in that, honestly. Quite an accomplishment. Important part is, I got a tell saying "you are healing the marau :O"

Yes. I was healing the Marauders. And guess what, sometimes I heal the Kami, the Karavan and the Neutrals, too! Because I see people as more than just their guild symbol and faction. Because I'm not a hardcore roleplayer and I want to have friends across all nations and factions. If you are a hardcore roleplayer, good for you, enjoy. But don't hate on me just because I see it differently.

After I told the person who sent me the tell this (well a slightly different version of it anyway), the response (in terribly bad English so I barely understood) was something like: If you want that, become neutral!

To which I say: No. I became Kami because I wanted to be Kami since I started the game and met my first Kami on Silan. Because I like their policy of protecting the planet and taking only the resources we need and purifying it from the threat of the Goo. So no, I did not become Kami for the OP mats or for the TPs as some people say.

Moreover, I always stand on the Kami side in OP wars as well as SN battles. I feel like what I do beyond that should be my own business and nobody should have the right to dictate me what to do with who.

So, bottom line is, I will continue teaming with my friends from other factions. And if that's too much for you to stomach and you want me to revoke my Kami religion and declare neutral, go ahead. Make me.



Explorer, storyteller, universalist, fighter for freedom and equality.

"Without contraries, there is no progression" - William Blake
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