
Tryker meeting 13th October, 2014

Binarabi (atys)
Suboxide (atys)
Lol what about GoS trytonists,ranger,neutral,suboxist,... members?

Suspect they are safe - being as none of them have much of an Aniro History before merge ...

What about poor Eiki? He's torn between going a spetrist or a lacuner. => he should be informed what is the safestest route to take before making up his mind.

Just wanna add this here from: http://atys.ryzom.com/projects/puben/wiki/L_TrykerGovOrg so ppl can see:
- No Taliar may be excluded or banned because of his opinions.
=> so if your ideas are you can 'convert/brainwash' your guild mara over time you addopted what have those sorry sad asses to say about it to you.
- The Taliari exists of the assembly of guild leaders of citizen guilds with at least 5 active members. In case of expected abscense during a Taliari session, a member may have himself represented by a high officer of his guild.
=> maybe ask em to show you 5 ACTIVE members when voting next time

Anyway you know my idea (mine not GoS statement since GoS is a true free democracy and not a civ ran by a para militant group like the trykers (freedom and trykers > what a joke atm, matis seem more about freedom then trykers atm)) I say f**** those boobs, if they don't want ppl for the nice fun helpfull homins they are but want ppl instead to be doing what they say and only want ppl thinking what they think then they not worth my time anymore.


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