IMPORTANT - Merci de changer votre mot de passe Ryzom

All a mter of how you see things I guess.

Taking your point (and I don't mean to sound flippant) but if you 'genuinly' had concerns over the security of your account, and didn't feel that your concerns were being taken seriously, then why do you still log in and play a game which (in your mind) would present a risk to the care of your personal information?

My point isn't aimed in particular, but sounds a lot like "we have a problem (but not a real one)" until something happens. At which point, Homins gets on the back of it and it becomes a burning issue.

It would seem sensible to cancel subs until the issues were adressed and confidence restored, but in a weird way that would be the worst thing to do because cancelling subs would remove (already scarce) funds from the game hence less funds = less development resource/time/effort. To me that sounds like, I've been shot in my left foot, so I'm going to chop off my right one in protest

Funny thing 'Homin Nature!' :-)


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)
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