Conversion of the old guild halls

Dear players,

The old guild halls, which were accessible through the terminal, can now be converted into classical guild halls, accessible directly through the lifts.

This will allow us to remove, in a future patch, the too noticeable access terminals.

PLEASE NOTE! If you're a guild leader or a high officer and your guild owns an old hall, you have to convert it into a new hall in order to keep your access after the patch that removes the terminals. To do this, click on "Ryzhome" on the WebIG homepage and follow the instructions. You can chose in which city you want to move your new guild hall, but without leaving your nation of origin. You can of course chose to stay in the same city!

Note that this transfer won't change the content of the inventory of your guild hall.

We wish you a good game on Atys,

The Ryzom Team


Ryzom Team Manager
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