The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh

The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh, Part 13

Magic 101
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Ravenh and Lessah and Moose headed out the main gates of Yrkanis. Ravenh was leading Moose with his rein which gave Moose unlimited access to “accidentally” goose Ravenh's backside with his trunk. Ravenh would jump each time and whip his head around glaring at Moose. If he didn't know better Moose was smiling. “I swear he's doing it on purpose, Lessah.”

Lessah chuckled as she watched her Mektoub tease Ravenh. “Awww, he just wants your attention. Don't you my sweet moosey Moose-Moose?” Lessah cooed as she pat Moose on the back. Lessah followed Ravenh while walking next to her Mektoub, keeping her eyes open for any immediate threats. “So...Ravenh, I was thinking...” Lessah began as Moose suddenly stopped in his tracks to smell something that interested him, “I know you like to kill things, but maybe it would be a good idea to practice some healing know, just in case we get into major trouble.” Lessah paused, waiting for Ravenh's reaction while Moose started to walk again, only to stop suddenly again and pull a little in the direction of the smell.

Ravenh would get tugged back every time Moose discovered an interesting smell and would grunt and tug back on the rein. “Wish he didn't want so much attention,” he would mutter under his breath. He frowned at her reference of him liking to kill things... she made him sound so barbaric, so primitive... I mean, it's way more than just enjoying to kill things... it's combat arts, perfecting your skills in melee, it''s...who are we kidding? He does like killing things. Ravenh stopped in his tracks when she mentioned healing magic and he scrunched his nose as if he just inhaled something rancid, “I don't know... I mean it's magic...I just don't...” he paused before admitting he might not be good at something and his ego checked back in, “I mean, I could do it, if it interested me, I'm not saying I couldn't do it..” his ego tended to ramble a bit.

Lessah watched the Mektoub take off in random directions, only to be brought back by a tug on the rein. “Sorry, I guess he hasn't been out in a while,” she said as an excuse. The truth was Moose was always like that and she was thankful that Ravenh was handling him instead of her. “Anyway, I know magic wouldn't be your first choice, but it might come in handy” she added. The truth was, she wasn't sure if she could convince Ravenh that magic was useful. It would mean convincing Ravenh that something or someone could get passed him, and attack her. “I mean, what if it came to the point where a heal spell could turn the battle around?” she questioned.

Ravenh let out a quick chuckle, “Assuming that the battle would need to be turned around. I think I can handle myself quite well in combat.” he arrogantly stated. He waved his hand in dismissal, “No, I think I can do without magic.” He reached up and tapped the hilt of his sword on his back, “As long as this is within reach, we have nothing to worry about. Thanks but no thanks.” And as we have all just witnessed, Ravenh's ego can get a bit out of hand at times... can we say jerk?

Lessah sighed in frustration, catching Moose's attention. His trunk suddenly swept over her face, inspecting her. Lessah allowed Moose to sniff her as she whined at Ravenh. “Suppose something or someone knocked me out and one measly heal spell would save my life? Would you be interested in learning it then? Wouldn't you want to save me?” Lessah argued, knowing that she was unfairly trapping him. Lessah and Moose both looked at Ravenh, waiting for his response.

Ravenh sighed, “No.... no, I wouldn't want you to be hurt.” He looks around trying to find some distraction but with no luck, finally throwing his hands up, “ me this magic stuff...” remembering some of the male magic users in town and what they wore, he points sternly at her, “I'm not wearing a dress though. No way. It's this or I'm out.” tapping his heavy armor chest plate.

Lessah perks up and smiles, choosing not to discuss how his heavy armor might interfere with this magic. She was smiling more because he said he wouldn't want her to be hurt. She'd replay him saying that over and over in her head, because in her twisted female mind, it just might mean, that he had deeper feelings for her. Lessah kneels and gestures for Ravenh to join her while Moose wanders away to eat some long grass.

Ravenh closes his eyes and groans while rubbing his forehead. He couldn't go back on his word now, so he kneels down next to her, letting out an involuntary sigh, “Please tell me I don't have to recite a bunch of silly mumbo jumbo words.”

Lessah giggled as Ravenh forced himself to endure a magic lesson. She reached for his hand and placed it in between hers. As they touched, butterflies filled her stomach and she felt her cheeks burn a little. Was she blushing? “Um...” she began “yeah, so you just need to concentrate on releasing the healing energy that's already within you. In a way, you are giving a piece of yourself to heal another...” She then demonstrated while holding Ravenh's hand by releasing a heal spell on Moose. Moose briefly looked over at them before returning to eating the grass. “That was a very weak spell...most casters find that bringing their arms into their chests before casting helps” she said, recognizing how bizarre that probably sounded.

Ravenh wouldn't admit it aloud but his heart began to race a bit and his palms got sweaty as their hands touched. He watched and listened to her instruction but thought it was a waste of time, “Why do you have to flail your arms about? Can't you just throw it like a rock?” As he said that, he stood up and did a wind up and threw nothing at the Mektoub. Kneeling back down beside Lessah he grunted, “This is silly.” Ravenh's inhibitions were going to prove quite the obstacle, wouldn't you say?

Lessah was amused by Ravenh's take on how to cast a heal spell but she was also worried that his frustration would prevent him from learning the skill. “The...uh, flailing is symbolic...” she started but then realized it wouldn't help to explain that right now. “Okay, yes the flailing may look silly but it really helps. This skill is a natural innate ability that you already possess, Ravenh. You just need to let it surface so that you can build it up.” Lessah smiled at him encouragingly “Try again, and concentrate as though there were real danger.”

Ravenh took a deep breath, “Ok Ok” he said begrudgingly. He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on feeling some kind of energy within him. He wasn't sure if it was real or if he was imagining it, but it did feel as if his hands tingled a moment. To the best of his ability he did the arm movements, though very awkwardly. He opened his eyes just as he “threw” the spell in time to see a bluish spark shoot from his hand like a firework, flying off in a very random pattern. It even made that whistling sound that fireworks do. He huffed and threw his arms up, like a child throwing a tantrum. “Come on, we're wasting time... it's gonna get dark.” He growled as he went over and grabbed Moose's rein angrily.

Lessah was excited to see some progress and was about to clap when Ravenh went over and grabbed Moose's rein. Feeling as though they had accomplished enough for one lesson, and that she had also tested his patience enough for one day, Lessah rose to her feet. “Alright Ravenh, I suppose you are right, it is getting dark...let's keep going.” Lessah walked over to Moose to take out the map they had been using. A quick glance at it and she suddenly looked confused, “so...we keep going...north?” she asked, pointing west.
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