The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh

The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh: Part 12

On The Road Again
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Ravenh and Lessah headed back to the vendor to purchase Lessah a herbal sandwich and an Izam
quiche. While Lessah masticated, Ravenh explained the next adventure.

Ravenh pulled out his map from his backpack and laid it on the bench they were sitting on, "Here
is where the those men were talking about. 'Prime Roots' or something. They said the resources
we could get from there were worth a fortune." He looked up at her with excited eyes, "We'll
come back and get an apartment better than your old one." He stared at her waiting for her
response as if he just solved all the world's problems.

Lessah smiled at Ravenh, so impressed with his eagerness to help. And did he really just imply
that they'd get an apartment together? That wasn't what Ravenh really said, but hey, that's what
she wanted it to sound like, so that's what it sounded like. She stared back at him a moment,
taking in his facial features. He was so handsome, and he also had that manly, rugged look about
him that she liked too. Suddenly the loss of her apartment felt like a real perk! Lessah had been
lost in thought for so long that she nearly forgot what Ravenh was showing her. She blinked a
few times then looked down at the map and paused while she caught up. "Hmmm...I think I
recognize the area but I've never gone digging there. I guess we'll need to get pick axes" she
said before searching their bags to see if they even had enough dappers to purchase them.

Ravenh tucked the map away and reached for her hand, "Come, I know a guy that can help us out
with those picks." He lead Lessah over to the tool vendor, Frerni Rosidera. After several minutes
of Lessah examining the picks, deciding this one had a splintery handle and that one just wasn't
shiny enough, and Ravenh sighing a lot but keeping his cool for her sake, they managed to decide
on two they could use. Frerni announced the price for the two picks, "WHAT?!?" Ravenh yelled,
then immediately clearing his throat, "Oh, yes.. I see... one moment." He corrected in a lower tone,
not really wanting any repeat occurrances from before. He reached into his pouch, knowing he
didn't have enough dappers for the purchase, "Let me count." he said, stalling, hoping at any
moment Lessah would look away so he could try to haggle and not hurt his pride with Lessah in the
process, "Isn't that one of those hairdressers over there, Lessah?"

Lessah smoothed down her hair that was still in a neat pony tail. " don't like my hair?"
she questioned, before glancing over at the hairdressers. It was there that she noticed a small
baby Yubo, walking around like it was lost. "Awwww" lessah cooed as she skipped over to it.
She picked up the Yubo and pet it while talking to it like it was a baby. "Are you lost little one?
Here, let me put you back with your family so that you don't get walked on." Lessah walked over
to a nearby gate and showed the Yubo to a guard who leaned away from it, as though it were
diseased or dangerous. Lessah laughed, "it's just a baby" she said as she placed the Yubo
several feet away from the gate. Feeling as though she'd made a difference today, she turned
around and skipped back to Ravenh. It was a good thing Lessah left quickly, for moments after,
she would have witnessed a Javing swooping down and snatching the baby Yubo away.

Ravenh took the opportunity of Lessah's distraction and haggled with Frerni, finally agreeing to
two of Ravenh's rings and his pendant in exchange for the picks. Lessah returned and Ravenh
smiled, holding the picks up, "Got 'em" trying to act like he could have afforded them all along.
"Where are you two going to gather resources?" Frerni interrupted, curious as to if these two
apparent novices even knew where to go. Ravenh turned with his chest puffed out, "Prime Roots,
of course." His voice was a bit loud and it donned on him that he was letting their secret location
out of the bag to anyone that could hear. He leaned against the counter, overconfidently, "That's
where the good stuff is." He stated as if he knew. The vendor just eyed them both, "Hope to see
you both back in one piece then." He bagan cleaning off his counter and not really paying any
more attention to them. Ravenh, however, got a little offended at the idea that they were in over
their heads, "What did that mean? I'll have you know that I'm quite the capable...." Ravenh's
voice getting more and more defensive with each word. Lessah wrapped her arm around Ravenh's
and smiled at the vendor, "We'll be careful." tugging on Ravenh to leave.

Frerni rolled his eyes and directed his gaze to Lessah. "Good, I hope you also have something to
carry all of those materials. Most materials aren't worth much unless they are sold in bulk."
Lessah wasn't sure if the vendor really knew what he was talking about, after all he was a tool
vendor not a material vendor, or a master digger for that matter. Still...more materials would
result in more dappers. After a moments thought, Lessah suddenly squeezed Ravenh and squealed
into his ear "My Moose! Let's bring Moose. He likes walks and he can carry a lot more than we
can! Come on, let's go to the stables" she shouted before running in the wrong direction.

Ravenh watched Lessah run off in the wrong direction and sighed, glancing over at Frerni who
was not only laughing but shaking his head in disbelief. Ravenh huffed then chased after Lessah,
eventually catching up to her and correcting her directional mistake. They finally make it to the
stables, the whole way Ravenh heard about how fond of Moose, Lessah is and what a good
Mektoub he is. The way Lessah spoke of it, you'd think it was a person.

Lessah bounced on the spot as Varo opened the door to let Moose out. He finally stormed out of
the stables, apparently so excited to see Lessah that he knocked over Varo and several bags of
hay that were neaty stacked. Moose rubbed up against Lessah, while using its long trunk to
inspect Ravenh. Moose wasn't shy. His trunk moved quickly from Ravenh's hands, to his genital
region, then into a bag that Ravenh was holding. Lessah giggled as she watched Moose greet
Ravenh. "I'm just going to grab a few things to saddle up Moose" she said as she pet the
Mektoub's head.

Ravenh danced around, trying to avoid the Mektoub's trunk, swatting at it, but missing, "Is he
gonna act like this the whole time?" He asked, not realizing she had stepped away. Ravenh finally
got angry and pointed at the Mektoub, "NO!!!" He yelled. Moose stared at Ravenh a moment,
blinking, then grabbing a hold of his finger with his trunk. Ravenh quickly jerked his finger away,
wiping it off on his pants. The Mektoub now thought Ravenh was just playing and jumped at him,
knocking Ravenh down to the ground, only to persue him, pinning him to the ground, inspecting him
all over with his trunk, leaving slime trails all over Ravenh. Lessah returned in time to see this

Lessah collected all that she needed from Moose's stable and turned around to see Ravenh pinned
to the ground. "Awww. He likes you!" she laughed. Moose then noticed that Lessah was holding
his saddle and knew an adventure awaited. He quickly released Ravenh and made his way over to
Lessah. As Lessah saddled Moose up, his trunk roamed over Lessah's hair, knocking off her
diadem in the process. Ravenh stood up and dusted himself off. "Are we ready?" he asked
impatiently. Lessah laughs and nods, then hands the reins to Ravenh. She then loops her arm
around Ravenh's, and smiles. "Lead us to our next Adventure!" she says happily.
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