[Ryzom Forge] Test of the Armor Design Process

Purg (atys)
It is a test of the armor creation process?
Therefore it will be explored how to make a complete armor? Or ist it a new (easier for actually unauthorized people) way for creation? So, wasn't it already known how exactly bringing armors or hairstyles within the game?
Are there findings from the above test? On screenshots you can see a character without any hair (but with face). How is it actually creating an armor? Is each race modeled individually? Is a set of armor a single object, which would be fixed to the character, like a weapon or does a character exist in single body parts including the armor (let's say HEAD with hair A, hair B, helmet A, helmet B, etc, TORSO with light armor, naked LEGS, LEGS with light Tryker boots, etc.) o.O?
So I got the impression, it is the latest point ... so an armor consists of:
1. Models of each "replaceable" body part (HEAD, TORSO, LEGS, ARMS HANDS, FEET) which have attracted the new armor, for both genders.
* In the tutorial, I have seen that it is good enough to cut complete models into its parts
~ Is it important where to make the cuts?
~ Are there raw models of the character (all races and gender), which you can basically use AND >edit<?
2. Textures of every body parts in all colors (white, black, red, and so on) for both gender and respectively for each race.
What is not needed to be redone are animatioins, colision boxes, skelettons, etc.
Or am I totally wrong?


Effectively, the method of creation was not exactly known. Nevrax artsts havn't been around for a long time, so we can't ask them.
Therefore, we introduced the process before the second phase to answer possible questions and to write needed tutorials later.

The hairstyle is missing because this was a test of just the armor. It is true that the character is established in single parts. Especially the hair, as these are indeed always modeled different and look different (example: ponytail vs. short hair).
Also the clothes are "stabled" to the model/character and all unnecesssary stuff gets dropped - because of performance reasons on earlier times etc. (example: When you look underneath your skirt - and only underneath your own please :P - you can see that your legs are missing).

Therefore you should always load the base models from the assets.
You can download the current latest version (rev3) from here:

The textures are, like you already said, Purg, completely individual per race, gender, armor, color, quality. There is one texture per body part.

"What does not need to be redone are animatioins, collision boxes, skeletons, etc."
- Correct, as long as you don't edit them or add new ones :-)


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