A sad farewell

(OOC: Astarth, if you wanted to be asked "personally" why did you avoid talking to us then? IC we did read your open letters, some did reply to them, and we did invite you to talk with everyone in Zora. You were the one who pushed everyone away - even with OOC-statements like "idle kiddie politics" #11 and
"kiddie rethorics void of any action and full of storytelling" #12.

In terms of RP do you really think that discussing (often in your second language that you can practise by that), thinking up ideas for events for everyone's fun, scheming, and trickily interpreting complex lore-information is childish, for "kiddies"?

You say you want less / no storytelling but more "action" instead. Which means directing your character/toon across a virtual world and clicking buttons timely to simulate "fighting". How is this less childish then being creative, sharpening your wits in dialogues to put your plans across and adding a sense of aliveness as well as more depth to a virtual world?

OOC speaking you had the chance to think up and support action-filled events for everyone during RP-politics. Instead you hardly attended to Assemblies, often came late or left extremely early, and you never said much :( You actually had the chance to change political RP. You yourself deliberately chose not to do so.

The things you said about Virg's RP not being respected and the Rangers' plans not being pushed because whatever was said during Assemblies are all untrue.

Political representatives talked about Virg's claim at Assemblies of all countries. Virg's decision to become a Marauder is the only thing that will stop this now. And the Rangers pulled through with their plan until the end. The Rotoa-event merely added even more action for players. Isn't that exactly what you wanted? So why do you even complain about it?

The long delay was mostly caused by an event-team-member leaving Ryzom so another one had to take over the Rotoa-event and bring it to an end. And wasn't it really nice to make and then see the Rotoas grow in the Witherings and the Verdant Heights as a visible change on Atys?

P.S: telling players OOC that they are supposed to "enjoy" playing-styles/events that they oppose is disgusting. It's like slapping people in their faces and telling them that they shall enjoy this -_-)


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