A sad farewell


You talk about fighting all day long, Renegade Astarth, and even want to make the Zorai "proud and strong" people. Do you really believe it would "benefit" our people to warp and twist their very souls - souls that value spiritual accomplishment, wisdom and respect for nature (ecology) more than anything?

Even lamenting that "all others got is scorn" - while it was only you yourself who ever threw accusations and imputations around - against your fellow Awakened and also against allied homins, patriots and nobles. You, Renegade Astarth, trample on the feet of others and then react resentful when they cry out because you have hurt them...

Insulting Awakened as "traitors" for having sent spies to dangerous tribes to watch over them and warn the Theocracy of any threatening development? If this were true, then wouldn't you be the only real traitor, Renegade Astarth, for exposing spies working for the very nation that you have sworn loyalty to?

Sorry, but it's laughable to describe how you "would" have fought (and defeated, of course) Ezek, Renegade Astarth... It was your own decision to not even take part at Ezek's trial: and that's why you naturally never stood a chance from the beginning.

So you'd like the circles and Awakened to be stripped of their powers and the Sages to "rule" the Witherings "directly", Renegade Astarth. Isn't this just pitiful cowardice to lash out at your colleagues while sucking up to the authorities of higher ranks who are more powerful than you, even though they are the truly responsible ones?

In actual fact it was the Sages who decided to decline your petition to make Min-Cho a "free" city, Renegade Astarth. As you should know very well. The Awakened and circles did not have any say in this decision at all. They were only permitted to voice their opinion afterwards.

Every political decision up until now has been made and executed only because of and according to the will of the Sages. As well as everything that has not been done and/or postponed.

Face it already: you failed as an Awakened, Renegade Astarth, as you never used your political powers that you had for a very long time to change anything to the better in your homeland; over the course of many Assemblies that you only ever briefly visited.

So stop blaming others for mistakes that you merely imagine, Renegade Astarth; as long as you yourself even have much, much more to be ashamed of personally.

Awakened Zhoi


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