

On the path to liberation, heads will roll

Fellow Homins,

The governments have grown fat and lazy in their dotage. They squabble and squawk at each other in their meetings whilst achieving nothing. The system itself is led by the weak who only listen to themselves. This will not save us in times to come. Preparation is required. The kitins are growing in numbers and something bigger, and far worse draws near. We have a solution... we are the uprising.

Our goal is simple: to tear down these governments that make us vulnerable, to break the chains, and from the dust build a unified and fair society. We are homins and we fight for homins.

This is a call to arms! We will not sit idle whilst this threat draws closer. As a guild we will train hard, hone our fighting skills and strive towards the best gear possible. Syndicate has stemmed from Asylum but now we will bring about a new age, we will do what must be done.

[OC] We are a marauder guild in the context described above. The vast majority of us are PvPers however we also have diggers, crafters, hunters and roleplayers. Our main aim is just to have good fun be it in PvP or PvE. Although some members don't have english as a first language a basic level is required. We always strive towards the best gear possible not just in gathering mats but also by developing recipes. We are a guild of masters with a few exceptions. As such we would recommend a fairly high level before joining however getting a master only takes a few weeks with the proper methods.

What you can expect with Syndicate:
  • PvP training. Through PvP we will get stronger. We have some players well rehearsed in all aspects of PvP and offer training to all homins regardless of creed. PvP can be hard to grasp at first but we will provide the support required. We also tend to practice our skills through a variety of scenarios whether it’s duelling or running through PR naked with a KP on our asses.
  • Group PvP. We regularly do tagged PvP against the other factions- usually small group fights like 2v2.
  • OP battles. For us to know, for you to find out ;)
  • Supernodes. We try to have a strong turn-out to every SN where we PvP and dig.
  • Hunting. We actively hunt NPC marauders, bosses, named mobs and pretty much anything that can be killed (except yubos, yubos are cool).
  • Grinding. We have some awfully lazy members *hides*. This means when we train, we train hard. As Bill Gates said "Lazy people find the easy way of doing things" :)
  • Foraging. We have many diggers and tend to dig Supreme PR regional mats as a group after reboots or when the seasons change.
  • Vent server. Some of our members use our vent server. It isn't a necessary requirement to use it but its open to those who want to.

To get hold of us just send a /tell or click the name to IG mail:
Guildleader: Virg(Atys)
High Officers: Bucshotz(Atys), Cramer(Atys), Drezar(Atys), Ezek(Atys), Leytoo(Atys), Mikira(Atys), Rahael(Atys), Seralee(Atys), Xolok(Atys), Zeynah(Atys)



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)
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