Hilfe Zu GNU/Linux

Ryzom On 64bit Linux Boxes - Hope This Helps

Interesting, I thought the gcc-multilib, which is the C++ compiler, installed all of those files as dependencies automagically. Also when I ran the lines, I did not get a warning saying out of date. This is my first time working with a 64bit Linux box.

The only reason I went to 64bit was a couple of programs I have some stuff that runs better with 64bit. I have wondered why the 64bit flavors do not include the 32bit libs, with a lot of software still compiled under 32bit.

Karu, is there a way to get your post as a sticky? It would have saved me so much time, and brain cells, many others would find it helpful as well.

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Last visit Samstag 8 Juni 01:49:52 UTC

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