Mutual GNU / Linux

Ryzom On 64bit Linux Boxes - Hope This Helps

If you came to this post looking for help on getting Ryzom to run on your 64bit box, then you have gone through a lot of posts, and many posts that are out of date, this post will help you to get Ryzom up and running in no time.


I am running Ubuntu 14, with 64 bit, I have been a Linux fan for a long time, one of the first OS's I used was Unix, back when we had nothing but command line (glad those painful days are over). One of the great things about Linux, any flavor really is repositories, which takes 90% of the pain out of installing software, and makes life easy for those that are new to Linux.


With that being said, I first tried the typical .deb files for Ryzom, there are 32 and 64 bit install files, for some reason they do not work, for me anyhow, so I did the download from here, unpacked it, and placed it where I wanted, but there are a couple of things that need to be done, before even thinking of downloading unzipping the file, and running.


Ryzom runs on the 32 bit libs, and they are not the funnest things to find and install on a 64bit box. So after days of reading, and searching, I found a post on Stack Overflow, the post has something to do with another issue, but it tells you how to get, install and make a couple of changes to the 32bit lib.


The post can be found HERE, but here is the short of what needs to be done, and you can copy and paste it into a terminal:


sudo apt-get install libc6:i386

sudo -i

cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d

echo "deb raring main restricted universe multiverse" >ia32-libs-raring.list

apt-get update

apt-get install ia32-libs

rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ia32-libs-raring.list

apt-get update


sudo apt-get install gcc-multilib


this does take a bit, and each line needs to be entered or copy and paste one line at a time, let each line complete before moving to the next line. The line that starts with “echo” is one long line that ends with “.list”.


This should work for Debian distros as well, since they have the same basic kernel, not sure about other flavors, such as Fedora, OpenSuSe, Gentoo... but the process should be about the same, just the commands may be different.


Once you have the 32bit libs installed, just follow the site directions, and posts about installing Ryzom.


One thing I found interesting is that, I first installed Ryzom with Knoppix 7, and I had some annoying issues, and thought it had to do more with the port from Windows to Linux, for example, no sound in the game, and some of the game windows were missing scroll bars. Now under Ubuntu all of that is fixed, but did not help with the notorious rubber-band effect, it gets annoying but you learn to get used to it.

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Last visit Saturday, 8 June 14:15:10 UTC

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