
Casual Roleplay

I recently joined myself, looking for somewhere to as you say "Casually Roleplay", a relaxed environment where I dont have to game so hard and can spend some time developing characters and really getting into the lore. Its been about a week for me and I am trying to take a slow and steady approach. I do have a real-world journal for my character to document things that happen to me, and I write it from a viewpoint of the character to make the in-game elements seem more accessible.

So anyway, find me in-game Tiglaar if you ever want to! It looks like I will be around Fairhaven for a while!

That goes for anyone else, this is my first post in the forums so I dont think I know any of you unless we met on Silan! Cheers!


≈ Officer of Spirit of Alervinda ≈ Water Carrier ≈ Ranged Enthusiast ≈

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Last visit Sunday, 9 June 11:44:28 UTC

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