Black screen (but not dead window) after creating character

Debian... the (in)famous "always outdated" Linux distribution :-D

There are a few things I'd like you to verify/try

1. There should be an updater script in the ryzom folder (don't remember the name) have you tried running it?
2. On the login screen you should see the version of your client iirc - which one are you using?
3. What kind of gfx card does your system have?
In general the game has most problems with intel cards (lots of things not supported by the hardware)
Linux in seems to have trouble with ati/amd (or the other way around as it's the crappy drivers' fault)
4. What gfx driver are you using? If it's the free/open amd/ati/nvidia one you should change to the proprietary version.


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Last visit Thursday, 6 June 08:17:25 UTC

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