
Re. Rotoas, Rangers, and Roleplay

(sorry in advance for my poor english but i want to say something)

I think the reason is the futur transport system, and that's only for gameplay equality that we don't have choice.
But it's mean that we will never have real influence on this world if we have to be exactly the same in each country (and it's against the road take with the politic assembly which are all different and act differently in each country) whatever roleplay we play or choose.

Not having the ranger transport system in forest because of player choice could have been good to, and help player to trust the old ryzom slogan "power to player" and would have give to player a real reason and motivation to play event with roleplay and not only for gaining something.

But the alternativ solution, even if it have to fail at the end, is also part of the game and worth to be play after all, and i aggre with Zendae.

One of the great thing in this game is the fact that each nation/land are different and not only a copy and paste, we don't have to be like other country just because they aggre to let ranger do what they want if we don't want it.

And if player want to take part to those change they have to play it, event team had aggre some change like NH position or pannel information because player had ask for it in a roleplay manner.

But since the merge most of the event are to much script without any chance for player to have a real impact and have to follow even if the event is a big nonsense.

I ofen feel like it's "shut up and listen !", we are more spectator than actor.

Some roleplayer had give up on the french side, mostly because rp on atys take the carebear way of playing and became flat without life.


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