Hunting the sorcerer and the sorcerer's hunt

# 40 – Olorin

Olorin was coming back from his expedition. He had to keep his mind busy in those troubled times. He was simmering with anger… but he had to keep his promise: protecting HER.

When he arrived in Fairhaven, he noticed an unusual bustle in the capital… His researches and his mission regarding distancing with the marauders had prevented him of following the proceedings of the operations, but it seemed that the attack had occurred… and that it had been successful!

It made his blood boil.
Without taking time to remove his armour, he ran towards the transporter. The New Horizon would have to hurry up today… he was in a rush.

As soon as he took foot on Avendale’s beach, the Matis started to run:
-Where is she? he shouted. Where is she?

Coming at the base of the main building, he heard a recognizable voice…
-Uncle mine?

Not thinking twice he hurried towards the terrace. There he could see that Jazzy, but especially Swan MacFay, were attending his niece.
Without even respecting the protocol, this one reassured him: “She’s alive… she’s sleeping.”

But the grimace that showed on their faces suggested that this wasn’t all of it…
After a lot of bargaining, especially with Jazzy who feared a fate similar to the one of Ba’Kyl, Olorin managed to obtain to be escorted by Swan to Anonyma.

Indeed, if her body didn’t show any visible injury, her mind seemed to be badly affected.
Swan described to him the symptoms that her kin had noticed: amnesia, speech difficulty, inability to memorize… this son of a ragus had done his work, he would pay for that.

He didn’t want to wake her up, since he was hoping that sleep would have a healing effect on her sister of the heart, still he still to approach her.
Seeing Nair-Swan’s reluctance, he immediately gave her his weapons: 2 daggers, one axe, one pike, and even his amps.
- Do you want to search me to check that I’m not hiding something else?
After a short uncertainty, Swan answered no.

Removing his gloves for more gentleness, Olorin approached the Tryker homina:
- My gentle friend… by the spirits, what has he done to you?
He skimmed her cheek tenderly, came even closer, almost touching her face with his one:
- What for a curse, this promise you’re forcing me to keep… Come back to us, sister mine, I don’t know if I will hold without you.
He kissed her tenderly on her cheek before leaving.

He thanked Swan for her kind thought, and joined his niece and Jazzy on the terrace.
Olorin didn’t follow the talk anymore, mistaking the words said… he asked Jazzy if Ezek had been caught and, if yes, where he was detained.
But the Tryker refused to answer him. What did he fear? That he would free him? Or instead…
But what did he want actually? His mind was cloudy, torn between anger and his commitment…

After a brief moment of complicity with his niece, during which he remembered to remind her that her mother wanted her to live her life for love and not for war, Olorin went back to Fairhaven.
He wasn’t in a mood to go back to Yrkanis.

It was only when he heard an izam knocking at the hall’s door that he woke up.
- Well, mail for the guild?
He took the parchment from the bird’s leg and let it fly away. The mail was addressed to him personally and was from his brother Sovyc.
But what was strange in it was that it was an answer…
Olorin blessed the past madness of his brother which had incited them to always answer behind the letter of the other one, in order to refresh the memory of the sender.

Thus, he had asked his brother where Ezek was… the empty shooki bottles which covered the hall floor could explain this oversight… he’d have to clean before leaving.

Thus the gnome was well guarded… the gnome! He’d had to remember to apologize towards the Trykers for this term… but regarding this one, even more degrading words should be applied.

"We’ll speak again…"
- Yes, brother mine, we’ll have to speak… but will I have the strength to wait?
Olorin sank in the cushions of the sofa.
- Well, I’ve got to tidy up… Pffff! Later! I’m tired…
The Matis nodded off… letting his mind wander amongst pleasant thoughts.
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