Kitin Studies - Search of documents about Kitins

[Matis] The Royal Academy's Lost Amber

A sealed letter was carried to the Nobles of the Kingdom:
Oren pyr!
Could you please rid me of a sorrowful girl who casts a shadow on the enjoyment and good humor that usually prevail in my bar? I do not want any trouble in my establishment.

She does not seem to be able to hold her drink and I understand that she is a Matis Noble. Therefore, I cannot kick her out without risking diplomatic issues.

Thank you in advance for a quick intervention. She is always in the bar, but because of her status, she often hides in the back room. I shall close that room to do cleaning on 10h - Quinteth, Thermis 11, 1st AC 2577* and you will be able to meet her in the public hall at that time.

Pecus Cegrips
Thesos Barman

(*) [OOC] viernes 14 marzo 2014 20:00:00 UTC (1 década hace)
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