Kitin Studies - Capture a Kitin

(OOC: all this was review with the animation staff )

Osquallo was going back to the camp to get ready for the spying of the hunter.

- He is himself a hunter thus he will be Attentive, I am going to have to play it finely.

Not to burden itself and stay silent the matis took only his two daggers and a light armor with decorated of some more solid part.

- The well sharpened daggers, the well attached armor, the well prepared homin! On the way, I do not have to disappoint the Hamazan!

The matis left the camp to go to the camp of Masters of the goo?
Arrived in the lost valley he perceived far off the hunter go out of the camp and go of a fast step to the haven of purity,
He hurried in his turn by following the cliff to remain hidden by the landscape.
The hunter slows down once at the heart of the haven of purity to avoid kitins and predators, hiding from a kincher here,
Waiting for the crossing of a pack of torbaks by her
Quickly progressing through the jungle but with a caution testifying of its experience and his skillfulness,
Indicating him perfectly for the mission among whom the hamazan and the matis thought of it invests.
Osquallo had not many problems to follow him the way being sure, the hunter taking care to set off with least possible obstacle.
- He in the air to have an idea in mind, he moves forward as if he knew where to go - says to himself the matis by trying hard not to make noise and not to be seen.

Arrived at the border of the cities of intuition Fai-Cu Len stopped and hid behind a tree to allow to pass a couple of homins, heavily armed,
Apparently making a delivery for the kitins observation camp.
Leaned in a tree the matis waited that homins passes, having believed to recognize one, he did not wish to be discovered if they came to greet him.
It is under eyes amused by a yubo that Osquallo had a blow of furtive eye in the direction of the hunter and seeing him leaving, sending a smile to the yubo and going back on the hunter's way.
Fai-Cu Len continued its road advancing cautiously while bypassing carefully patrols of the black circle even if it's means wasting time,
as if being seen by members of the circle could can put its mission in danger.
Come to a kitin mound, Piercing the bark as an abscess, the Hunter threw a quick glance to verify the presence of Incensed kipestas .
He then walk around the Kipees mull, to came back at Sly Lake which he also inspected the vicinity.
Finally, he stopped further from a Grove, observing a group of bandit that it was far from their camp and watched a mound.)
- We shall have to move the camp, I don't trust this place anymore since kitins digs a hole there! And if a whole army gets out of it?
- Hmm if at least that took away the apprentices Bounty hunter...

Following what both bandits were starting to discuss a moment the presence of kitins around.

Leaving his hiding place and slowly carefully the Hunter walked to the bandits.
The matis found refuge behind a tree enough big to hide him, and while it tried to understand the conversation,
He felt the curiosity to prick him at the level of calfs.
In its biggest shame the little yubo, met previously, had managed to follow him too and to attack him by surprise,
Although the reinforcements of his boots are enough has to hold the incisors of the Unwelcome visitor.
Fai-Cu Len and bandits exchanged a few Word after which they accompanied him to their camp.
He had a long discussion with a third bandit visibly better dressed and better equipped than the other two.
Meanwhile, in an attempt to break free, the matis waved carefully his foot, while the Hunter left the camp by displaying a satisfied appearance.

Osquallo posted a grimace when he rested the foot on a twig which broke clear, followed itself a whistling and shock rises when the arrow crash in the tree.
The matis congealed and the time stopped one moment, then the silence broke whereas the yubo nibbled energetically the arrow.
Fai-Cu Lan, noticing that it was only yubo, about going back on its road in the direction of the grove of umbra.
He arrived, without other interruption, in front of the mound where fussed a group of incensed kipesta.
The hunter observed them a time then restarted where from it had come.
The matis considering that it had finish his mission made off discreetly to return directly to the camp to inform Zendae about it,
she was suprised seeing the marks of teeth on the new boots of the sigisbae and went away by laughing when he explained to her.
- Hahahaha! Well we have to be ready for the next step. - she asserted in going into her tent to get ready.

After some steps the Hamazan stopped and by having a look by above her shoulder says by smiling roguishly:
- You should take care of your boots, we had to go far to hunt these materials.


Les rêveries du yubo flaneur
The musings of the rambling yubo
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