
Natae Assembly

Sirgia Pirello. Officer of the Royal Guard. Opens Natae Assembly.
Naema: Uh, sorry, had to run out and get some paper and pencils XD (pushed wrong buttons and crashed .
Sirgio Pirello: I take it you are not only willing, but eager to do the job. Thank you
Naema: I think im ready
Sirgio Pirello: I have some other business to bring up, but Ozwomen should speak first.
Ozwomen: Ok, thank you :)
Sirgio Pirello: You said you wished to speak about the Karavan altar here in Natae?
Ozwomen: I would like to talk about the Karavan TP in Matis land
Sirgio Pirello: listens closely
Ozwomen: Our Matis citizens are unable to use our TP, but we let the Trytonists use them?
Sirgio Pirello: If Matis subjects are unable to use the pacts to the Karavan Altars this is news to me.
Tenebra: I think one must be follower of the church of the light to use them. Those who have no religion cannot, even if vassals of the kingdom
Sirgio Pirello: Ah, I would have expected that any Matis subject whould already be a convert
Tenebra regrets, but it is that way
Ozwomen: I have been told that our Matis citizens who are neutrals are unable to use them
Tenebra nods
Sirgio Pirello: That is true, Filarae
Naema is interested in what Sirgia Pirello has to say.
Tenebra: There are even a few vassals adhering to the repulsive kamist religion
Sirgio Pirello: The Karavan are strict about the use of their altars
Sirgio Pirello: But you mentioned Trytonists. I did not know that any such existed in the Verdant Forest.
( I missed a little bit here)
Naema: I think what she is saying is, a neutral Matis homin with 50 fame cannot use the tp's when somebody who is only 33 fame and aligned can *(I forgot it is 33 Karavan fame and alignment)*
I would like to propose the Matis set up their own transport somehow, or encourage it. Or support the New Horizons guy to set up in a safe camp in GoC. I have been fighting kitins lately. I have not been able to post this idea in the local newspapers yet, sorry.
Ozwomen: That would help the Matis to get around the forest.
Tenebra: I would welcome a NH transport to GoC very much
Sirgio Pirello: We have talked before to the homins in charge of New Horizons. The are unwilling to risk their special Mektoubs on such a risky journey
Naema: :( Even with the kitin observation camps up?
Sirgio Pirello: If you look on the map you will see that the Observation camps are not near the road from Yrkanis to the Camps. The New Horizons does not have armed guards.
Mpforest: ...and what if we gathered help from homins to open a way to GoC once as an event?
Sirgia Pirello takes notes
Sirgio Pirello: I know that with the staffing of the Observation Camps we are currently quite low in reserve strength
Ozwomen: What a great Idea Mpforest :)
Mpforest: :)
Sirgio Pirello: (OOC: I have noted that suggestion , and will relay it.)
Mpforest: ty
Sirgio Pirello: Perhaps as we build up further strength the guards might be able to help.
Sirgio Pirello: Filarae Ozwomen, the Matis do not control the Karavan altars. Our Karan is High Priest, but he does not dictate policy to the Karavan.
Ozwomen: I know, but we have to think about our Matis Citizens.
Tenebra: as to the guards, I recognized that the guards at the camp Falls of two Totems are not very helpful sometimes. I even died there and they did not help once.
Sirgia pirello is astonished
Sirgio Pirello: That is a derilliction of their duties! I will see that their commander is reprimanded.
Naema raises hand for a different subject
Sirgio Pirello: one moment Naema
Sirgia Pirello is taking notes
Sirgio Pirello: Ozwomen, of course we must look to the welfare of the subjects of the Karan. But by placing their full faith in Jena, their welfare would be assured by a higher power than we can command. (OOC: we can't change the TP's) And by taking full devotion to Jena they would also honour the Karan.
Sirgia Pirello studies her notes for a bit...
Sirgia Pirello: Naema? you had a change of subject?
Ozwomen: Ok so we need to find another way for them to get around the Forest, but some Matis would like to stay Neutral and we have to respect that.
Tenebra agrees
Sirgia Pirello: I have taken my notes, and will report, but the matter is not for me to decide.
Tenebra: It should be in the best interest of the kingdom that loyal vassals are not worse off than Foreign Kamists and Marauders
Sirgia Pirello: Or Trykers?
Ozwomen: I Agree :)
Mpforest agrees whole-heartedly with Tenebra
Naema: I would now like to mention that it seems the kitins of the deep are still roaming around the forest after i thought we irradicated them! I'm worried the Rotoa trees are not working
Sirgia Pirello: As those of you who attended the National assembly know, the Karan is aware of this problem.
Tenebra: Maybe we need to ask Ser Perinia
Naema: I was reading one day in my Grandfathers old books on the history of Atys and read about a way they used to close up the tunnels after mining....Searching my notes, one minute...
Sirgia Pirello: Ser Perinia is fully aware of the problem, but has not made further report yet.
Sirgia Pirello: I do not know much of botany besides a few flowers and herbs that everyone knows. I leave such exotic matters to Ser Perinia
Tenebra: Yes, his word would be important. Maybe we can arrange a meeting with him
Naema: the chronicles say basically they used to bend down the branches to the moss and inject them with a substance that would make them grow real fast and close the tunnels up.
Sirgia Pirello: As far as the white kitins (and even the large ones near the mounds) I urge you to take axe, mace, pike and sword to them, and of course what spells you are able to cast as well.
Sirgia Pirello: smiles gently
Naema: will they keep comming back?
Ozwomen: yes, we need to kill them
Sirgia Pirello: I do not know. But i heard that the last of the Exterminators was killed today Perhaps that will make a difference
Tenebra: To be honest, i do not fear termites, but i fear unhealthy reactions of some nobles. Our chamber in Davae was abandoned in protest to the Karansa decision to allow termite work in hidden source.
Sirgia Pirello: (OOC: Probably a reboot is necessary to stop them)
Tenebra: lets hope so
Ozwomen: We are a Forest and the Termites would be bad for us.
Naema nods
Sirgia Pirello: Please, let us not argue the termites further. The Rangers have said clearly that they will not use them unless they are told to do so
Tenebra: yes
Sirgia Pirello clears her throat.
Tenebra: let us hope that the Rotoa will eventually work, and no new quarrel arises
Sirgia Pirello: Jenna Aiye
Tenebra: Jena Aiye
Ozwomen: the Rotoa will work, it just needs time.
Sirgia Pirello: Jena will show us the way in the end. She always will.
Ozwomen: Yes, that is true
Tenebra: yes
Sirgia Pirello: Now, i have some more instructions from the Karan, ..Oh dear...
Naema? Are you a Matis Vassal?
Naema: err no. But my Daugher is
(I missed some information here, but Sirgia mentioned the Scrivener needed to be either an ambassador, vassal or noble, so Ozwomen became officially the Scrivener while Naema continued to 'assist' at helping to take notes. then it picked up at....):
Sirgia Pirello: Next on my list is the will of the Karan that there be a Census of the Kingdoms Guilds. We are to collect the information before our next meeting and publish it.
Name of Guild. /Nationality( if any) /Religion (if any)/ Name of Guld Leader/ Name of the High Officers/ Total active members.
Naema is thinking of Mjollrens forum post under guild registrys...but that is a registry by alignment....
Wolfinstine raises hand with a question
Sirgia Pirello: Yes, Wolfinstine?
Wolfinstine: What is the purpose of the Census?
Sirgia Pirello: I do not know. The Karan commands it, is all I know. I would guess that he wishes to know of those who dwell in His kingdom. But that is only a guess.
Naema blurts out, how are we to know how many active members?
Sirgia Pirello: Each guild would have to report that. We would have to trust them to report it correctly.
Wolfinstine raises hand again
Sirgia Pirello: Yes? Wolfinstine?
Naema: so... only guilds based in the forest, speaking the dialect of Natae?
Wolfinstine: and decreases in the winter
Sirgia Pirello: (OOC: I would guess you could inclued them) Naema, those would be the ones that we are responsible for. I interpret this as meaning those whose guild halls are in our lands. This is not a matter for the Scrivener, so if you are willing to post a call for information Naema? In the usual places?
Ozwomen: So we are looking at all guilds in the Forest?
Sirgia Pirello: so it seems
Naema: May i act as Nerhtenai if there is not cooperation from the guilds?
Wolfinstine raises hand
Sirgia Pirello: We are responsible only for those who speak the dialect of Natae. Wolfinstine?
Wolfinstine: Are you looking for actual people or active toons?
Sirgia Pirello: (OOC: I don't know. It says "Total active members" in my instructions.) I would say homins who are active and not indentured servants. (OOC: Active alts but not cp slaves.) Remember, slavery is illegal.
Last item of business I have....
Sirgia Pirello: We are asked to advertise for a Weapon Master, or Master of Arms. We are to launch a public appeal for such a person.
Naema: which kind of weapons?
Sirgia Pirello: I would say that the more the better.
Sirgia Pirello: smiles. Just a moment.
Sirgia Pirello: checks her notes
Mpforest: Dang! Just 2 2h weps to go!
Sirgia Pirello: Applicants will be interviewed by the Nobles. And will be tested in tournaments
Naema: What will their duties be?
Sirgia Pirello: Once chosen, the Weapons Master would have the privilege of controlling the royal army of the city in case of unavailability of local Chief Guards (Official Matis lead players of the same language at events) A Weapon Master can sometimes have the privilege itself of guiding the Matis Royal army.
Naema stares blankly.... O:
Sirgia Pirello: (OOC: that is Goo-trad from the FR--sorry if it is a bit scribbly.) He or she could lead the players of the same dialect when the army of Natae is called for
Naema: Interesting...
Sirgia Pirello: And sometimes even the whole army
Naema: If we post this information on the bulletin boards, is it related to the census?
Sirgia Pirello: (OOC: That is my interpretation, looking at both sides of the Goo-trad.)
I do not think this is related to the census. I think it should be separate postings.
Naema: Ok, so who is going to post it?
Sirgia Pirello: This would be a great honor for whoever is selected. Ozwomen? As our one Noble at the moment, you should have the honor of posting that. Or you may delegate that if you wish
Naema: How is such a person to be chosen or determined? ... Oh, nvm, you already said.
Sirgia Pirello: First by interview with Ozwomen, and then, if i understand correctly, by trial between the applicants
Naema: :) Like a gladiator trial?
Ozwomen: I have a master in 2h sword, can i enter?
Sirgia Pirello: Surely we can do better than mere bloodlust such as a Fyros. It would be a combat between those of good breeding.
I see nothing in my notes that would prevent you from doing so Ozwomen, however... I would think you would have to ask the Nobles of the other cities to act in your stead for the interviews. If we can find a tranlslator to help. Otherwise, it would clearly be a conflict of interest.
Naema: Does that person have to live in Natae?
Sirgia Pirello: I think that they would have to speak the dialect.
Naema: Is there fame requirements?
Sirgia Pirello: And I would expect that they would be loyal to the Karan (OCC: none listed)
Wolfinstine: How about a Transplant such as myself?
Sirgia Pirello: If you are loyal to Natae and to the Karan, and acceptable to the Filarae, I see no reason why your choice of parents would exclude you.
Wolfinstine bows to Sirgia Pirello
Tenebra nods
Naema: :)
Mpforest raises hand again
Sirgia Pirello: (OOC: checking some stuff about the census) Mpforest, please speak
Mpforest: I speak two of the foreign languages (English and French). If i can be of service, I'd gladly translate from one to the other anytime it be needed
Sirgia Pirello: Thank you, that is wonderful news. You may be called upon from time to time.
Sirgia Pirello: On the Census: I find a note lower down that only those guilds who adhere to the Karan need to be counted. Neutral guilds such as Phaedreas Tears are welcome guests but cannot be expected to support the Karan as a matter of course.
Naema: am i to post this, or again, Filarae Ozwomen to do it about the Census?
Sirgia Pirello: I asked you to handle the cesus post Naema
Naema: I would love to do it. I will say it is by 'Orders of the King!"
Mpforest thinks Sirgia is sharp to remeber all this :D
Sirgia Pirello looks at her notes and hopes she can transcribe them later.
Ozwomen: I would say it is "Orders of the King" about the census Naema :)
Sirgia Pirello: is there any further business?
Ozwomen: yes one thing please.
Sirgia Pirello: speak
Ozwomen: The Rangers expedition to the New Land, Can Ambassadors go to keep an eye on the Rangers?
Sirgia Pirello: I do not know. I know that there will be only a few people in the group for the scouting expedition happening soon. And those ranks are filled.
Ozwomen: They are leaving in about 2 weeks, can we find out please.
Sirgia Pirello: The larger expedition that was announced--that will be a different matter.
Naema thinks...I did not hear of a larger expedition! O:
Sirgia Pirello: (OOC: For the scouting expedition only the five chosen players are allowed--It's alpha testing...)
Sirgia Pirello: There being no further business.... this meeting is closed

I would like to thank Naema for her notes and doing the Census and thank you to all who attended the Natae Assembly.

Matis Ambassador of Natae Ozwomen.

Take care and have fun:)
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