
Exklusives Thesos-Fyros-Event?

I rather think you did misunderstood me, Maximus - and on a big scale:

First, we are discussing not events imagined and/or created for international distribution, but about events created just for one language group, most likely to keep them entertained without the rather tedious efforts of translating in no less than two further languages. We are speaking about "exclusive" events, nothing else. It was understand that way by everybody contributing to this thread.

Secondly, I'm flabberghasted that obviously you blame the German players as sort of root of all evil, manipulating the ET at their will. That is both silly and wrong. Fundamentally, you are saying instead: "Shut up and sod off! We were fine until you bloody foreigners co-occupied our server!" . I heard stuff like that before, of course. You hear it on the French side, the English language side and the German side, with the first bashing the Germans, the Germans the French and the English language players both. But then it's much easier to foster ressentiments than to reason.

As mentioned these worries already were discussed among the French players on the French forums. Akenak Icus was, as far as I understood, not at par with you regarding that Marauders wedding RP effect; he's neither German, nor does he have reason to harm the Empire. Yet you did not go into a discussion with him about that. Icus also questioned the international effects of local language events. So is he a whiner?

Finally, when twisting (wrongly) that one-language event theme into an international event, understood by all the other people who don't speak the language the original event took place in and therefore have not the slightest idea what the whole thing is all about, you blame us (the Germans - thank you for not writing boche) for not coming over and ask the French players to translate every single word for us and to take us on board? Gosh, how excited they would be - like Icus (sorry, Icus, but you sneaked in here ;) ) was, obviously, about Daomei (who is one of the few people speaking all languages) and Zhoi (who speaks only German and English). Having said that - please ask the French Matis about me "separating" from international gameplay, as it obviously is your belief that we Germans mend the game to our wants and don't interact at all to the whole game's profit.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
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