Hunting the sorcerer and the sorcerer's hunt

34 – Ezek

-There it is, take it and be careful not to let it slip.
-You don’t want to know it, just make sure that the phial doesn’t touch your skin.

Nizyros started to feel cold sweat and hesitated to grasp the bluish white phial.

-Take it, I’m telling you!

The fyros marauder grumbled and took the phial. He stayed there, gazing upon it for a long time, and finally said:

-You’re sure it will work?
-You’re kidding me?!
-Then after the physical damages, but especially the psychological ones, that Eighteen suffered, she just cannot get through. I’m looking forward to seeing the result.

Nizyros was beginning to understand what was driving his counterpart. He thought he could kill two birds with one stone. The interest of catching Anonyma didn’t serve only his personal revenge. The studies he was carrying out needed this guinea pig. But doubt was starting to overcome him. Would the homina really die?

-And if she doesn’t die?
-Has it been difficult to pick this flower? No, the other slavenis couldn’t do anything about it. It will be enough to uproot some others. It could be a lot of fun to occupy Avendale, wouldn’t it.
-Don’t you see that time is pushing?
-I do and I don’t give a toss. What will be, will be. Everything is inevitable but, Nizyros… all of this is only a dream. You don’t exist, and I’m not sure that I do exist either. I think that all that is done, all that is said, has already occurred and will occur again. It’s an endless loop. I’m dead, I’m dying, and I’ll dead…

Nizyros punched the mad Tryker behind his head to have him shut up, but his eyes betrayed some confusion.

-Give up goo, you’re becoming really strange!

Ezek opened his eyes wide and turned slowly his head till his gaze met the one of the other marauder.

-Strange? Insane? I’m the one being mad?

The tryker marauder became definitively red with anger.

-What do you know about madness?! What is madness according to you!? How could you judge that I’m infected by it?! Can you say that you know, can you say that you fully understand what reality is?! We’re deaf, blind and dumb! The other ones, the slaves are worse! But how can you be sure to know that I’m mad! The other ones are, and they don’t understand a thing!

Ezek let out a long grunt and calmed down, his hands relaxed little by little. As if nothing had happened, he carried on with recapitulating the goals to achieve. The black fyros stared at the strange small creature that livened up before him, but that wasn’t listening him anymore.

-Hey ho, you’re sulking or just being tired?

Nizyros gave a hint of a thin smile.

-No, I’m taking the mickey out of you, that’s all.
-Another time. So, as I was telling you, we stick to the original plan. I’ll kill Eighteen at this time, and it will be too late for them, whatever they’re attempting.
-You think the Other will come to fame?
-No, no, no….that’s the only word you know…
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