Hunting the sorcerer and the sorcerer's hunt

#32 Swan

After a last tour on Atys, Swan was back in the Lakes, eased and dizzy after so many talks. The valiant Pimm was waiting for her impatiently
The situation was hopeless, but Swan couldn’t prevent herself from smiling.

- ny-Swan, you’re smiling while Anonyma is risking her life?
- this ultimatum story has tortured me for a long time, Pimm, but I believe I’ve got a lead and this one makes me smile. I’m thinking of Anonyma continuously, but…
- but what? Tell me!
- I believe Nizyros is talking about Thalyna, a MacFay – you’ve known her shortly – who joined his clan. And there, everything makes more sense.
- come on, you’re intriguing me.
- you haven’t known Thalyna, but she’s dreadful. She has drained us… She left, then came back desperate and begging us to accept her again. And we’ve always accepted because of Atharius. She had turned his head. Well, they were in love. Luth organised a spectacular wedding, you remember!
- yes, it was magic
- in short, just after that, they’ve left us. All of a sudden.
- what’s the link with the ultimatum ?
- well, I don’t know really, but the consequences of Thalyna’s departure have been… hem… how to say that… savage.
- ok but what about the contract ?
- I’m not thinking of this, I’m thinking of Thalyna. She’s got a power on the homins. She has transformed Atharius. And I cannot help but thinking that she’s doing likewise today.
- Could you be clearer?
- I believe that Nizyros, as much leader and marauder that he is, has fallen in her net, and it makes me laugh.
- but you’re crazy, it’s impossible, an in love marauder!!!
- it’s funny, isn’t it ?
- Anonyma’s life for a passing romance! I can’t believe it! I’ll butcher him, Swan.
- Come on, we’ve still some details to settle.
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