Rangertreffen vom 30. September 2013 mit Wilk Potskin und Melga Folgore im R ...

Wilk Potskin sagt: In fact, we have had diplomatic issues with the Kingdom but Melga will come soon to explain what happened.
Wilk Potskin sagt: Melga will come soon, but we have to be clear:
Wilk Potskin sagt: You will work on the matis termite mound near Virginia falls
Wilk Potskin sagt: Before starting you have to find someone to help you
Wilk Potskin sagt: thus you will be able to monitor the termite mound more frequently.
Wilk Potskin sagt: Sharleen, can you come here, thus I will give you a source fragment.
* Wilk Potskin gives the fragment to Sharleen
* Sharleen ist Wilk Potskin dankbar.
Bitttymacod sagt: Is the matter of termites finished?
Wilk Potskin sagt: Yes, this subject is closed now.

Melga Folgore sagt: Deles Silam.
Wilk Potskin sagt: I will let the assembly to Melga from now on.
Wilk Potskin sagt: I'm sure he will answer your question.
Melga Folgore sagt: Thank you all for being here.
Melga Folgore sagt: Most of you may not know me.
Melga Folgore sagt: So let me present myself first.
Melga Folgore sagt: I am Melga Folgor.
Melga Folgore sagt: My work in this camp is to be the Grand Quartermarter.
Melga Folgore sagt: Yes, I know.
Melga Folgore sagt: This title sounds complex and does not make any sense.
Melga Folgore sagt: Most of fyros are telling me that.
Melga Folgore sagt: so, what do I do around here ?
Melga Folgore sagt: I'm the one who manage Ranger relations with others governements and make sure everyone in the camps got enough food and drink.
Melga Folgore sagt: Oh yes
Melga Folgore sagt: and weapons too !
Melga Folgore sagt: I am also in charge of making sure every Rangers can fullfill his duty.
Melga Folgore sagt: That's why Wilk is reporting to me for every meeting taking place here.
Melga Folgore sagt: Enough about me.
Melga Folgore sagt: I do not know evryone very well, like Wilk do.
Melga Folgore sagt: Sorry, I will try to remember your names as much as I can.

Melga Folgore sagt: I asked Wilk to pause the current experiments.
Melga Folgore sagt: Due to two main reasons:
Melga Folgore sagt: First, during the last weeks, you got more and more alerts
Melga Folgore sagt: of kitins attacks.
Melga Folgore sagt: We had to redispatch Rangers to manage the situation
Melga Folgore sagt: If anything went wrong with termites mounds
Melga Folgore sagt: We would have to deal with two dangerous problems as the same time.
Melga Folgore sagt: The other reason is due to diplomatic issues we had with the Kingdom.
Melga Folgore sagt: Even if the Royal Court agreed to our termites experiment requests.
Melga Folgore sagt: It brought political problems within the nobles assemblies.
Melga Folgore sagt: Rangers role is not to undermine national govermenents !

Melga Folgore sagt: Please listen to me, this part IS important !
Melga Folgore sagt: Goverments support is one of the Ranger's powers key.
Melga Folgore sagt: We will only succeed against kitins if we are able to fight against kitins united.
Melga Folgore sagt: I would like to make sure everyone of you understand this well.
Melga Folgore sagt: We will not tolerate any undiplomatic behaviour in front of any governement assemblies.

Melga Folgore sagt: Is there someone called Daomei around here ?
Daomei sagt: that is me
* Melga Folgore look at Daomei.
Melga Folgore sagt: I heard your name quite a lot of time since we started these Ranger meetings.
Melga Folgore sagt: Wilk told me you were of great help and worked very hard to push our project forward.
Melga Folgore sagt: We will not forget it.
Melga Folgore sagt: But
Melga Folgore sagt: Even if you tried to defend the Rangers point of view,
Melga Folgore sagt: the way you act during the last nobles assembly
Melga Folgore sagt: has raised some issues
Melga Folgore sagt: Our next requests may be way more difficult to pass in the Kingdom.
Melga Folgore sagt: It also brought some confusion between matis and rangers point of view for the termites experiment.
Melga Folgore sagt: I'm not saying that you brough all those problems
Melga Folgore sagt: I'm saying that there may be better way than your very undiplomatic way to settle things down.

Daomei sagt: may I comment?
Melga Folgore sagt: Of course.
Daomei sagt: Ok, first, to say that, my critique does not diminish my esteem for filira Salazar whom I know since long time as an outstanding scholar and historian, and usually as an excellent diplomat
Daomei sagt: though he behaved more like a bee stung bodoc on our last meeting, suspecting and insulting the rangers' leaders, including you
Daomei sagt: i understood his anger to some extent.
Daomei sagt: but the fault was not with the rangers, but with the royal bureaucracy - which to my knowledge never has been blamed for excess of competence, efficiency, or speed
Daomei sagt: they had to assure participation, or at least information of the nobility
Daomei sagt: they failed, the rangers were blamed, and at the assembly all that was pushed under the carpet. That is why i intervened. A matter of self esteem
Daomei sagt: I may have overdone, and i probably would not consider myself the best choice for diplomatic missions in the kingdom
Daomei sagt: I am taking the responsibility for my actions and regret negative consequences. Yet i had neither orders nor informations
Daomei sagt: that is all

Melga Folgore sagt: thanks for your explanations.
Melga Folgore sagt: I can understand why you act like that.
Melga Folgore sagt: We will discuss about your rationals with Wilk.
Melga Folgore sagt: But I'm afraid you will already get the worst possible consequences like everyone here.
Melga Folgore sagt: We already have kitins attacks coming.
Melga Folgore sagt: And we lose a bit of matis governement support.
Melga Folgore sagt: Before continuing
Melga Folgore sagt: I would like you to agree to alert us first before participating to a matis assembly please.
Melga Folgore sagt: Well, as long as Ranger are concerned, of course.
Daomei sagt: agreed.
Melga Folgore sagt: Thanks.

Melga Folgore sagt: If you do not have any questions, we will close this meeting.
Rangini sagt: is now alowed for me to start the experiments on the terites in matis or not ?
Melga Folgore sagt: Yes, it is Rangini, but only on the termite mound near Virginia falls.
Melga Folgore sagt: About termites experiments, you have to make sure that all goes well in matis termites mounds.
Melga Folgore sagt: We never tested termites potions there
Melga Folgore sagt: We could have some difficulties.

Melga Folgore sagt: Yes feylin ?
Feylin sagt: If i may, I suggest that you have ... spokesperson, to attend to national assemblies
Feylin sagt: So that anyone does not feel to have to talk for the rangers, when eventually being upset
* Daomei would not volunteer for the kingdom
Melga Folgore sagt: Well, that would be a good idea if we had volunteers.
Melga Folgore sagt: But diplomatic ones
Kiwalie sagt: il y avait des diplomates à la commission Tenant pour la paix
Krill translates Kiwalie: There were diplomates at the Tenant commission for peace
Melga Folgore sagt: That's an idea.
Melga Folgore sagt: Could you make a diplomatic neutral commission able to participate and be recognised in each governement ?
Melga Folgore sagt: We would give you our complete support.
Kiwalie sagt: je pense que oui
Krill translates Kiwalie : I think, we would
Bitttymacod sagt: See, Kiwalie? Open your mouth and end up a volunteer.
* Bitttymacod grinst breit.
Melga Folgore sagt: We can not say anything with a closed mouth.
* Bitttymacod stimmt mit Melga Folgore überein.
Kiwalie sourit à Bitty : tu n'y échapperas pas non plus !
Melga Folgore sagt: Sometimes Wilk try when drinking tryker beer.
Melga Folgore sagt: that does not work
* Bitttymacod sagt Melga Folgore wie lustig er ist.
Melga Folgore sagt: believe me
Krill translates : Kiwalie smiles to Bitty : You won't evade it either
* Bitttymacod grinst Kiwalie an.
Melga Folgore sagt: I'm sure you are homins able to build great things !
Melga Folgore sagt: You got all my support, but you will have to work hard, a lot of issues are coming our way.
Kiwalie sagt: cookies .... hummm ...
Melga Folgore sagt: But some kitins issues can be dealt with an axes or a swords. Sometimes, simpler soutions are better.
Melga Folgore sagt: So we agree.
Melga Folgore sagt: We need both:
Melga Folgore sagt: A diplomatic force AND a fighting one.
Daomei sagt: do not forget research
Melga Folgore sagt: I will see one time more your fighting force, let me say your diplomatic one then.
Melga Folgore sagt: You're right Daomei, it is important too.
Melga Folgore sagt: Then, thank you all.
Melga Folgore sagt: Let's me during another meeting or another fight ! (next meeting 24 october)
Melga Folgore sagt: Tous les homins sont les bienvenues pour affronter les kitins.
Melga Folgore sagt: Deles Necat.
Krill translates Melga : All homins are welcome for fighting the kitins
Melga Folgore sagt: (next meeting: 21 october, sorry)


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