Read the rules before posting!

Bitty --

If Boar has over-reacted, then let's start there, since he's not a regular player. He gives a stringent interpretation of the rules, although in the past there has been a lot of leeway regarding who posts where.

((and i'm deliberately ignoring the harsh phrasing that calls everyone stupid for not seeing a supposedly clear meaning, whereas there is no such thing; I can chalk it up to a lot of things))

Had he not intervened publicly, and instead silenced the repeated offenders in the SA thread, all would be well. He instead chose to post in public effectively making a new rule, and I believe it's within any player's right to react to a new rule. Don't want trouble, don't hastily make laws, rules and regulations, especially over petty and temporary situations.

Ontopic: I'm going to post wherever I please.


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