An Open Letter to the Taliari of New Trykoth

The following message is posted on the side of the central tower of Fairhaven. The lines are not even, nor is the lettering. However the strokes of the pen are firm and the ink only occasionally fades due to an attempt to write too long without re-charging the quill.

To the Taliari and citizens of New Trykoth, greetings from Mac'Od Bittty, Ranger Aspirant and Tryker.

It has come to my attention by looking at the records of the building of the Kitin Observation Camps that those of Aeden Aqueous lag behind those of the other Nations. Our ingenuity (or that of Ba'Arroy Arty at least) has produced coatings that doubled the utility of already built construction and multiplied manyfold the effectiveness of deliveries to the camps due to the use of his engine, operated by Trykers. And yet the Camps in Aeden Aqueous still lag behind those of other nations.


I am not a citizen of New Trykoth. I am a High Officer of the neutral guild of Phaedrea's Tears and I am an aspirant to become a Ranger of Atys. Yet, in cooperation with Matt the Mannic (my guildmate and also a Tryker but not a citizen) we represent all but one of the delivery missions to the Camps in Aeden Aqueous over the last (IRL) day and a half and the only ones that supplied *all* of the camps.

Do not think that we feel slighted in these actions; we were paid, and paid well(*). In addition, it seemed to us only the correct thing to do, to help to build that which would serve our comrades in blood and the land that we call home. Still, we would have thought that our efforts would be only a small part of a mighty effort of the Tryker race to complete a project so worthy, and they are not.

Where is the resolve of the harvesters and riders of the Trykers? I have prospected and harvested many of the materials we need, and it is clear that there are others as well, but not that many. I find this unusual given that the price paid per unit of material is quite lucrative. (**)

When we originally build the Camps, many years ago, we Tryker completed them in time beaten only by the warlike and disciplined Fyros and then we took our services to other lands to help them. Now we lag. Why?

We are not disciplined but we are industrious and ingenious, and we can be mighty even if we do not bow to an Emperor or King or Priest. Taliari -- where is your call to action? Citizens -- where is your will? Join us and show the other Nations of Atys what we can do!

Done by my own hand,

Mac'Od Bittty

(*) The payment for delivery is 10,000 dappers per camp plus a variable number of fame points depending on the level of the camp. (That's 60,000 dapper for a complete run.)
(**) The deliveries of harvested materials to the Base Camp in Greenvale now are rewarded with dappers. The payment for turning in 12 mats of each of three different types of q10 materials is 2500 dappers. Turning in 36 mats of three types of q160 materials yields 20,000 dappers. You get fame points, too.


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
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