[Zorai]Assemblies of the Circles of the Theocracy in Zora and Hoi-Cho

Well, the information board is brand new and not all of us know how to deal with it yet. Let's be patient and wait until we have found out please. It's not like it's an urgent matter, is it?

(OOC: well, I also could not read anything after the sign-board was put up, not to speak of being able to write on it. I thought setting my client to German might be at fault. But let's be nice!

The Event-Team is made of humans, not gods. They are working for free as long as I know, and their tools are not perfect either. The Event Team has to set up a lot of items after every server-restart and it's a lot of work, so that's also the reason why the transporter of NH very rarely ever is moved close to the stables... Things are going to work in time, and we can do very well without it until then, no? ;) )


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