Mektoub Naming

TalkIrc, this is not about "whining about new content" or even trying to prevent it. First of all, I'm voicing my opinion just like you do and I expect you to respect my (different) opinion just like I respect yours.

Secondly, I'm all for personal names of Mektoubs. But like several people have suggested this has to be done in a way that we don't introduce more work for CSRs.

Also, for all new content, all changes, we should try to make it fit into the world of Atys. Honestly I would not be happy about seeing Mektoubs named "Gear", "Mats", "Tools", etc. What's the next step? Renaming all NPCs into "Tryker 1", Tryker 2" just because some people cannot tell the difference between all the "Be's" and "Mac's"?

If you don't roleplay that's fine with me, of course.  I don't want to tell others how they have to play the game. Ryzom is special because people (those who choose to) have a good chance of immersing themselves into a world because of all the little details. And because of that Winchgate renewed rule #11 in the code of conduct. Here it is:

"11. You may not use common words and phrases unpertaining to Ryzom universe as names (e.g.: cell phone, VCR, truck). "

I think that's pretty expressive and self-explanatory. I don't want to see such Mektoubs, it would actively lessen my Ryzom gaming experience. It's enough to see enough real life character names already. So unless we've got a fully automated filtering of such names, I'm against reintroducing free Mektoub naming.

The ideas presented here such as Dapper costs, cool down timers, or one-time names are good and should be implemented on top of any name filters _if_ it ever comes to free Mektoub naming.
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Last visit Sonntag 9 Juni 09:05:31 UTC

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