Modifying Sterga Hamla Mission on Silan

This being "Ideas for Ryzom", we're out of character by default.

All four nations need to have both positive and negative traits, there is no IF or WHAT, in a game based on role and less on mechanics, you must give the players options to play either the good or the bad guy within the same nation/faction. Matis should not be the designated bad guys any less than the fyros or zorais should be. No faction should be uni-dimensional.

Of course, a raging idiot  like fyros toons would not understand this. How could the fyros understand subtlety, when their very environment is dry and bereft of any variety? It shapes their intellect that way. All they know is how to swing an axe.

(( See? It's so easy to be a racist. Go me. Do I have to specifically mark this as sarcasm, as I'm also fyros? ))

Anyway, to come back at Sterga Hamla and Daomei's proposal, +1 on all counts. He's un-necessarily bitter towards his own people, he's requesting an oath of allegiance with no recourse (this is a tutorial!), and your actions towards plants experiments should indeed be represented as equally desirable, or close to that.


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