The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh

The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh part 7

The Third Wheel

After a night of drinking too much wine on an empty stomach, Lessah opens her eyes to find herself in some sort of office. She was laying on her stomach, on top of a desk. Her attempt to roll over onto her back fails due to the narrow nature of the desk, so she rolls off and crash lands on the floor with a thud. Lessah's groans are interrupted when she hears voices nearing. She scurries behind the desk, nearly knocking over the chair stationed behind it. Lessah was squinting her eyes into focus as she heard someone enter the room.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK!!!!!!! GET OUT GET OUT!!!!!" Ravenh's eye shot open as a blood curdling shriek pierced his brain, "WHAT THE...?!?" He yelled as he rapidly tried to get to his feet while dodging a pitch fork, "YOU'RE CRAZ...." At that moment, the Mektoub, who's stall Ravenh had shared last night was spooked by the rapid movements and more so, the banshee screech from the stable hand, and kicked backwards with great force, landing square on Ravenh's chest. Ravenh's burst through the stable's wooden wall, flying across the courtyard, landing with a loud thud. Luckily he had his armor on, so it took some of the force, but Ravenh laid there for a minute, trying to catch his breath, "What is it with these damn stables?" He finally got himself to his feet, dust himself off and nodded to a few onlookers as if nothing had happened, "Where's Lessah?" he thought to himself, heading off in a random direction to find her.

Suddenly, someone marches into the room and demands to know "Who!?? Who is in here?!" Lessah takes a deep breath and stands up to face Pigia Rosiri, Natae’s guard chief. Pigia eye's Lessah suspiciously while questioning, "Who are you? And what makes you think you can just walk into my office? Hmm?" Lessah just stands there like a deer in headlights, one that is also hung over. Pigia makes her way closer to Lessah, but then remembers she was waiting for a delivery "Well speak up girl. Do I need to fill in the blanks here? Are you here to deliver my package? Did my guards let you in?" Lessah, without needing much time to consider her lack of options, lied "yes...yes I am."

Ravenh stopped at several merchants, "Have you seen Lessah?", he'd inquire, with the same response from each, "Who?" He'd huff off from each, his anger starting to brew again, simply from frustration. As he left one more stall to head to another a female voice shot out like a siren, "RAVENH!!! OH MY JENA, YOU MADE IT!!" It was her. He cringed, stopping in his tracks. Several thoughts raced through his mind at once, one of which was to bolt like a coward. No, she was Lessah's friend and besides, last night Lessah was the one to hook them up. What was that about? No time to contemplate that huge question, Varo was on him like a Gingo on a Capryni, wrapping her arms around him from behind. He squirmed a bit, to get turned around to face her, "Oh...hi, Varo." He'd force a smile trying to hide his discomfort. She grabbed his hand, "Come on, the picnic is ready." She nearly pulled him off his feet as she lead him toward the edge of town, picnic basket in tow.

Pigia sighs and holds out an impatient hand "Well? Let's have it then!" she demands. Lessah reaches her hand into her bag, knowing there is no package, but just using the time to stall. She then decides that its time to start acting. "Oh...I must have lost it...I mean, I think I remember where I left it. I'm sorry" Lessah says with a bow. Pigia groans angrily, being used to incompetent delivery workers. Maybe they ought to pay them more. "Well, then, I suggest you start tracing your steps, no?" Pigia suggests in a rude tone of voice. Lessah nods in total agreement "Yes! I'll get on it right away" she says with a salute. Yes, really, with a salute. She rushes out the door without looking where she was going, a typical exit for Lessah.

Have you ever walked a very large dog that had super-animal strength and no training? That's how Ravenh felt, being pulled by Varo to the picnic, "And I made sandwiches, and cut up some fruit. And a bottle of wine..." she'd say while wiggling her eyebrows. This girl was a bit too excited about this picnic. Maybe Ravenh could fein getting sick... or an injury....maybe a Ragus would kill him, if he was lucky. Suddenly, the door to the building they were passing slammed open and a woman rushed out in a hurry, colliding into the both of them, "HEY!! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE...." Ravenh began to yell, his eyes finally focusing on the woman's face, "LESSAH.... I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU!" He realized that his excitement to see Lessah probably didn't look good to Varo so toned it down a bit, "Oh, hey Lessah. You made the picnic."

Lessah flew into Ravenh, clinging onto his armour to prevent herself from tripping up entirely. Once balanced, she smiled back at Ravenh, happy to see his handsome face again. But wait, she wasn't allowed to do that now...and Varo's blank expression was evidence. Lessah looked at them both as she stepped back and brushed herself off. In response to Ravenh's statement, she simply replied "yeah, I said I'd be here, didn't I?"

Varo's expression changed rapidly back to her excited, googly eyed, love filled mode and tugged on Ravenh's arm, "Come on you two. We'll set the blanket down on this hill over here." Ravenh was in a tough spot. He really didn't want to go. He didn't like Varo like that. In fact, she scared him a bit, but was trying to be nice. She was Lessah's friend after all. He followed Varo up the hill, looking back once they made the top, noticing Lessah had stopped and was behind quite a bit.

Lessah rolled her eyes as Varo tugged Ravenh along. It nauseated her so much that she just had to look away. And that's when she spotted a delivery man...heading for Pigia’s quarters. Lessah stopped in her tracks and stared as the delivery man spoke to the guards. She knew she couldn't very well picnic in Natae once Pigia figured out she wasn't actually delivering anything to her. This was bad.

Ravenh couldn't do it any longer. He couldn't string Varo along. It wasn't fair to either of them. He turns Varo toward him, before she could start setting the picnic down, "Look Varo. I need to tell you something." Her eyes glistened with excitement. It was obvious she thought he was going to say he liked her, which made this moment even more difficult, "You're a nice girl..." the way these talks always started, "It's not you, it's me..." come on Ravenh, you can do better. He takes a deep breath...just be blunt, like you always are, "I like someone else." He stood there, waiting for the slap. Instead, Varo just stood there. A blank expression etched across her face. Was she in shock? She let go of the basket and it fell to the ground, spilling its contents onto the grass, "Oh" is all she said. Tears welled up in her eyes and Ravenh knew he had to escape, "I'm sorry" he said as he turned and ran off toward Lessah. He felt terrible for Varo, but he couldn't jeopardize the chance to be with Lessah. He looked back, before reaching Lessah, and saw a guard kneeling beside Varo, picking up her basket and the contents, smiling up at her. Suddenly she had that googly eyed look again. Damn, that girl just needs a boyfriend. "Lessah..." he said, reaching for her.

Lessah, totally oblivious to the situation between Varo and Ravenh, watched in horror as the delivery man continued to speak with, what were now, very confused guards. That's when she saw that Pigia had joined the guards and delivery person. Before Lessah could hide, Pigia spotted Lessah, and she knew she had to leave immediately. Lessah turns to see Ravenh reaching for her but she simply grabs his hand.

Ravenh had no idea what kind of trouble Lessah had brewed up and when she grabbed his hand he smiled big. Maybe he already knew the answer to his question, "Lessah...I have to ask you something. Do you like me at all? I mean, more than a friend, like me?"

Lessah, not really registering Ravenh's questions, turns to Ravenh with a pale face. She hadn't been in this kind of trouble before. "Ravenh, we have to leave now, now, NOW!" she yelled in a panicky voice while dragging Ravenh behind her with more force than Varo had earlier.  She looks back to see the guards chasing them and fled Natae, all the while with a firm grip on Ravenh's hand.
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