The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh

The Misadventures of Lessah and Ravenh, Part 2

An Offer of Generosity

Lessah had a pocket full of flowers and was headed toward the flourist master. She was gaining pride in her work and was advancing quickly. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice. She glanced over at the stables and saw him. Yes him. The man she had encountered in the forest. The one who disrupted her battle with the Ragus. She then reaches into her bag, digging around some for the boot she'd crafted for him. She could be nice! In fact, she had used the materials quartered from the Ragus to construct a boot, just his size. She marched toward his direction, still digging for the boot in her bag.

"That's outrageous!!!!" He yelled at the Stable Boy. "You're kidding me right? You want that much for that scrawny, almost dead Mektoub?" Laughs a deep guttoral laugh, "You're a thief... plain and simple." Pounds his fist on the counter, "If I wasn't worried about trying to make it good with the Corporals and the Karavan, I'd pull you over that counter....." huffs and waves off the Stable Boy, "You're not worth it." turns to walk away when he spots the woman from the forest headed his way. This time he got a full view of

Lessah, having spotted the boot in her bag, looks up just in time to avoid bumping into Ravenh. She opens her mouth to speak but is startled by their sudden closeness. She neglects to take a space back, but looks between him and the Stable boy. She smiles at the stable boy, asks how 'Moose' is doing, then looks back at Ravenh and lets her smile melt to a neutral facial expression. Without speaking, she awkwardly holds out the boot for him.

Ravenh smiled in return to her smile, then realized she wasn't smiling at him and his became a quite awkward smile. You know, one of those smiles that's not sure it should be a smile type of smile. When she presented the boot, he looked a bit confused, staring at the boot a moment, then back up at her, "It's a boot." Not really sure where this was headed.

Lessah notices Ravenh's expression of confusion and can't help but feel a bit puzzled by his comment. 'It's a boot'??? Of course it is. This was a stupid idea. Why did Lessah choose to even make the damn boot anyway! Now she felt like an idiot holding a boot. Blood rushed to her checks and as a panicky reaction, she released the boot and turned on her heel to go the other reaction...but not without a snotty comment of course "just sell it if you don't want it!" she blurted out.

Ravenh quickly reached for her wrist, trying to keep her from leaving as the boot lands on the ground with a thud, "Wait." He releases her wrist and kneels down, picking the boot up, "You made this for me? But why just one......ooooooh." He remembers the incident in the forest and lets out a chuckle, standing with the boot in his hand, "I had forgotten about that." He studies the boot. Inspecting the stitching and the details, "This is an impressive boot. You have some skills for certain." Ravenh smiles at her and gives a slight bow, "Thank you."

Lessah turned to face Ravenh when he took hold of her wrist. She watched him pick up the boot and examine it. It was only now that she examined his facial features. He was actually quite handsome. She smiled at his chuckle. "You're welcome...I'm glad you like it.I figured you could use one," she said while looking down and noticing he was no longer missing a boot. "It looks like you've found it though, so.." she pauses, "well I suppose I could make you another one so you have a pair" she offered.

Ravenh looks down at his own feet and taps them a bit, "These are quite old and worn and if you can make another like this one, then I'd love a nice new pair." Still holding the one boot he motions it toward her, then takes it back, not really sure if she was to take it back for now or he keep it. He finally just lowers his hand, holding the boot, to his side. He offers his right hand out, "Don't guess we've officially met. I'm Ravenh..... killer of Raguses." he'd chuckle a bit.

Lessah nods as he awkwardly places the boot at his side. She places her hand in his for a respectful handshake. She smirks at his title, "And I'm Lessah, killer of Raguses," she said with a teasing voice. "Pleased to meet you," she added. Perhaps she had misread this Ravenh character. Perhaps they had just started off on the wrong foot, so to speak. "Well, how about I hold on to the boot for you until the other one is ready," she offered, figuring he hadn't purchased a mektoub yet.

Ravenh gladly hands the boot over to her, "Good idea." Smirks, "Odd we have the same title.... didn't realize we operated in the same circles." He stands there, now in that awkward silent moment, just kind of staring at her. What seems like minutes pass by and he finally blurts out, "Well, I guess I should be going.. I had.... stuff I had to do." Not really knowing what to say anymore. Without waiting for her response he started walking off in some random direction, only to stop and turn and walk a different way. Obviously he had no idea where he was headed.
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