AoH Ryzom Translator, Player's Edition

Okay, i reactivated an old Fedora 14 netbook and fixed all breaking bugs.

- Icons visible now, config works as expected
- Resize+pan still sluggish, but somewhat working (try slowly haha)
- Fixed window title
- Coloring not working properly, all chat has the same color

If you have previously started another version of this app, you need to clean the application settings from your home folder. It's a known mono issue not to do that automatically.
It will be " rm -r ~/.local/share/Translator_Ryzom.exe_* " on most linux systems. If you miss it the application will not start up.

If you happen to run fedora 14 (i'm not recommending it) mono can be installed via:
" yum install mono-core mono-winforms "

P.S. none of the above applies to windows version, no need to clean out settings.

Edit: More Changes:
- Window pan fixed
- Window resize improved (though still sluggish)
- Font coloring fixed
- Increased Version to 0.2.4

for windows you can stick to 0.2.2 and be fine


Casy * Foreign Secretary * Alliance of Honor
Intensive Care Bear
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Last visit Воскресенье, 5 Мая 21:48:09 UTC

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