S.O.S. Theocracy

#31 and #32 : voluntarily omitted by translator.

#33 Zorroargh

Zo’ro-Argh was exhausted.

For days now, he’s been running everywhere without ever taking a break.
First, Tepsen and his incredible invention, and his even more incredible message.
The things lost arond in the Lakes, too, and the tryker scientist’s « yubo », the Hodoo’s cubes he swore to find and give back to the guild.
There were all sorts of threats hovering at the border of his senses, threats he felt without being able to rationally define. He was just as sensitive as a spiderweb with an unseen fly stuck in it. Messages like those of Daomei and Luth could only make him wary –just like that terrible meeting with the Kwai marauder did, when he was sent to check on the case of a mad Tryker.
It could be a portent, an omen of things to come, that Enotacim offered to teach the NASA in the ancient martial arts… that could be of use to some pacifist homins like it had been to certain monks.

He was back in Avendale because of an izam asking him to conduct an autopsy.

Before reading that note again, he threw down a pile of messages awaiting his attentions. It wasn’t all that easy to keep your things orderly when you were nomadic.
One of those letters caught his attention, one with his Zoraï friend’s handwriting on it. He would never dare let Fey-lin know he was late reading letters from her, letters that gave him so many indications that just made him feel he was right to be affraid.

Where had he met this Kigan? Was it from when he went with the expedition to save Kai’kyo? Was it during one of those mystical investigations of the White Zoraï? Or during the process of that sad junkie held prisonner by the Zoraïs? His trials to save another long time friend, Ki’atal? Or was it through Laofa, his coworker at the ASA? Weird… he had already met Alric, his boss, but the face of that one didn’t let any lasting feelings in Zoro’s mind. If they hadn’t been on opposite sides, hem ay have found him sympathetic… but Kigan? He had seen him only for a moment but he did remember. Kigan could freeze his blood in his veins. He was more terrifying than being alone to face the darkest night. The worst part was… his face reminded him of a friend.

He packed his memories with his waxed packs and swam into the lake. At least, he never had any armor to move around.

All of a sudden, an idea flashed through his brains. He turned on his back so he could at leisure think while looking at the stars.

And if the Goo was something else? If the goo was « forbidden » because it could be used at great risk? He swam again… then stopped. Ideas and memories flashed again in his mind, quickly and disorderly.

« Is it wise to autopsy one who’s sap contains goo? Contamination would be possible… »
« Tepsen managed to destroy the goo by using a pressure chamber. »
« It’s not the drug that makes you sick, it’s the lack of it. »
« What had he meant when he said the Powers were part of it? »
« The withdrawals makes you a slave. »
« Tepsen is mad. »
« Kigan knew the results of the experiment for sure. Why take the risk of being in Avendale? What was he really looking for? »

Zo’ro-Argh had just arrived in Avendale when an Izam greeted him to let him know he was to depart for Yrkanis immediately. On dark water, more purple and darker than on the land, a Kwai was wandering in the misth. Up there, over the canopy, the stars were bright and some were falling down on Atys.
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