We Are One

We Are One is a Kami guild based in Thesos, looking for both new and experienced players. We love to Hunt, forage and craft .Our focus is mostly PvE, but have beebn known to engage in some PvP activities as well. We help all Kami guilds and seek to nourish a spirit of unity within the Kami faction. Favorite guild activities include foraging in the Prime roots regions (and all the above ground regions too), hunting the boss creatures of Atys, developing our skills and getting into touble just exploring the more interesting corners of this little rootball.

We are:
Arugula Leader
Afriel High Officer
Deckardcain High Officer
Ikarra High officer
Holli High Officer
Ishamael High officer
Mysteriae High Officer

We are looking for mature, polite players who are curious about Atys and have a sense of humor. We recruit both subscribed players as well as F2P. Maybe you can be a part of our little family : )


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