Mutual GNU / Linux

[Solved] In-game Web, Help, and Support not working


I'm running Ryzom FV 1.10.2 in GNU/Linux (Xubuntu 12.04), while I have absolutely no problem playing, none of the outgoing connections can be made (whether the content is remote or local). No firewall rule is blocking outgoing connections. The WebIG window, the help, and the in-game support show this:

All the help pages cause the same error. For the support window, I can type here the full URL if needed, I just can't copy/paste and it goes over the window's width. As for the WebIG window, I'm not automatically redirected and clicking on the URL just refreshes the page.

Is this a known issue? Anything to fix or a workaround? I'm running the original client from the sourceforge project page (not repackaged).

I haven't found any other thread talking about this. So for the search feature to pick up this thread and the replies, I'll repost the error messages I get:
Help: "Error : The page address is malformed: file:/gamedev.bnp@..."
Customer Support: "Connection timeout : "
WebIG: "New Ryzom webig is now - You'll be automatically redirect to the new website in 5 seconds"

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Last visit Tuesday, 28 January 13:27:41 UTC

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