
pvp tactics in non pvp zones

It has been my experience that a percentage of players are employing pvp tactics in non pvp zone repeatedly and seemingly without consequence.

Some rudimentary examples would be

1) A team (X) is engaged with a boss hunt in a non pvp zone. A second team (Y) arrives and drags aggro upon the team X disrupting their hunt resulting in either team X dying, or a delay in the hunt as team X struggles to kill the dragged aggro and/or resurrect fallen players.

2) While team X is engaged in a boss hunt, team Y also begins attacking it, sometimes with superior numbers possibly resulting in dealing more damage and the right to loot.

3) combinations of 1 & 2.

4) A forager has just popped supreme mats and another player(s) comes in dragging aggro resulting in the death of the first digger and their popped mats being dug.

5) A forager waiting for weather to change for supreme mats repeatedly has aggro dragged upon them by others resulting in numerous deaths and with them leaving the area.

I understand that CSR's need evidence as tickets are submitted. But I would like to know why the aggregate of tickets against the same players/guilds posted by various players over time does not result in having more serious consequences being meted out? Or why new tickets for similar behaviors from players with a history do not carrying more weight? If a set of players/guilds has a constant history of irregular behavior but each new offense is treated like the first time, then the consequences have little effect. The players/guild still have the mats, a ban doesn't stretch into a new season change. In effect, there is nothing to deter such behavior from continuing.

Additionally it seems that all that needs to be done by a player is to simply profess innocence of such actions by saying things like: "I was only trying to help", "I was only running away from the aggro and didn't see them", "I was engaged in tagged RP with others and there happened to be collateral damage" and with that nothing is done.

So is there a system in place to help mitigate the actions of a few players utilizing pvp tactics in non pvp zones? Is there a graduated set of consequences for repeat offenders?

Please note this is not about nerfing pvp for those who enjoy this style of play. I actually think pvp could use some help in regards to rewards etc. But pvp has some mechanics in place to shield it from those that do not wish to engage in it as this is a sandbox game. My concern is in regards to the use of pvp tactics in non pvp zones repeatedly by a few and with obvious intentions of gaining from it despite verbal protests of innocence or ignorance.

I realize that CSR's are busy and purely volunteers but I also think that the voices of those that have been wronged deserve more than they are currently receiving.

A revamped set of Codes of Conduct would be helpful, along with consequences that have some bite. Or simply say, the game is undermanned on many levels and to simply get away with what you can by having superior numbers while employing Machiavellian tactics. Or maybe a bit of both? Because currently I see players mining the grey area of the game to their advantage at the expense of the game's integrity in regards to its fine community.
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